Page 33 of Addicted to Santino


Iclock out and walk down the stairs of a trailer on the construction site. The sound of power tools are in the background, but I can’t wait a second longer to call my woman. “What are you doing tonight, Bella?”

“Mmmm, the sound of that voice. Sounds like I should be doing you?”

“My place or yours?”

“I’ll consider your suggestions and raise you one weekend all to ourselves. A cabin in the woods, but I’ll need you to protect me?”

I flash a warm, disarming smile. “I’ll always protect you, Bella.”

“Thank you. I’ve said this a few times, but tomorrow I’m all yours. We’re leaving at eleven?”

“No. On the road by then. I’ll be at your house with the U-Haul at nine.”

“Whatever, Santa.”

“What? We went to that casino in September. Imagine my surprise when I picked up what I thought was extra, empty luggage because you planned to get lucky at the slots.”

“Hmm, carting out that kind of money, I wish. I’m actually about to step into a theater with my best friend in all the world. Otherwise, your arms are where I’d be.”

* * *

I headover to Ma’s house and grumble at the sight of Toni seated at the kitchen table.

Settling across from her, I place my elbows on the table. “So, your weekend with your dad?”

“So, that girl you brought to the academy graduation last month . . .”

“Still together. Watch your mouth, kid.”

“He’s still my dad. And what did I say out of character?”

“I prefer you out of character. You have a smart mouth like Ma and your mother,”Gina.“What are you up to?”

“Dad told me to make a list of what I’d like for my birthday.”

“In April?”

My niece looks around then says, “He thinks I want something expensive. Like those orchids Glenda—”

“Gina,” I growl. “You have Mina’s smarts. Act like it.”

“Oh, yeah, Gina bought me for the detective academy graduation. Anyway, I’m making a list of what I want.”

I glance over the list: A biology kit. A set of crime fiction books by an author I’m already aware of is her favorite. All these things I already know. “What do you have against Gina?”

“My detective senses go haywire when she’s around.”

I’m about to ask ‘how old are you’ when I realize it’s a phrase Gina often says while she snorts.

“What’s with the dopey face, Uncle Santa?”

Sensing that Toni’s aversion to Gina has more to do with me than it does her, I shrug the kid off. Maybe she thinks I haven’t come around much? Prior to the crew setting up closer to Ma and Gina’s apartment, I’d agree. Besides, Gina is committed to bonding with Toni on her own grounds. So, I’ll leave it alone for now.

* * *

I wake up from a deep,erotic dream, cock as stiff as a board to a call, without checking the ID. A guy can only hope his woman was on the other line, feigning for late-night action. It’s just my luck when I hear Big Tony instead. The next thing you know, I’m driving over an hour and a half away from my spot.