In a tone that’s cool, light, and subdued by her rejection, I murmur, “Nooo, nooo, lass.”

As possessive fury scorches through me, she takes one single step up. A step that causes her arms to jolt, parallel at her sides.

You’d kill yourself to get away from me? Mam already did that. So, you don’t get that option.My hands wrap around her throat. I squeeze the silky, slender column. My eyes flicker away from the fearful, questioning gaze. With her heart fluttering against my palms, I focus on the strong beat, patient for it to fade to a constant drum. Once her limbs soften, I draw her body close to me. A peace I hadn’t known since I was a wee laddie, having my boo-boos kissed by my mam, washes over me.

This world isn’t fit for people such as Kiera, my mam, or the numpty man whose loins I came from. It was created for broken people like us, this lass and me.

Broken and still breathing.

I’ll not feel the striking sting of regret. This gorgeous girl is accustomed to my kind of indignation. Pain swallowed her beautiful brown gaze before I even laid a hand on her. While I vow to protect her, I’m content withkeepingher. I’ll do my best to ensure her survival.

Placing my lips to the shell of her ear, I murmur, “You’re mine now.”



Blinding light supersedes angels. A least, that’s how I recall it from the last time I endured a near-death experience.

And the time before that.

And the time beforethat.

I was a child when my parents sought asylum in the States. I grew accustomed to the assessing glowers and snarled criticisms. Paperwork fell through, and immigration sent us home. In Belize, we led a quiet life—as quiet as possible in our area.

With blistered feet and rivers running the length of my cheeks, I snuck back across the border again with Mama. The second time, I was twelve when we traded one man’s version of hell for another, masked as heaven.

The American dream was never my heaven, but I was getting close. I thought about my parents as I toed the edge. The people I loved were within reach.

“You don’t wanna do this.” The dark stranger’s angelic voice reached my ears. It wrapped around me, pulling me under with his tender tone and cutting through my usual cautiousness. He came close, pulling me down off the ledge. But he wasn’t who or what I wanted. I wantedmi familia. I wanted chaos, or at least, to end the chaotic life thrust on me.

Kindness quickly melted into ownership. When he gripped me, I wasn’t in the position to attack. What materialized before me was pure, utter darkness.

At the thought of his hands possessing my throat, I groan, wishing myself still asleep. Closing my eyes, I jerk a hand to assess my swollen neck. My attempts are futile. My wrist lacks the slack necessary to move.

With a groan, my eyelids flicker upward. Bleary, muted tones of earthy brown slowly come into focus—sleek chestnut wood and buttery, cream-colored leather seats.Oh no.Air bubbles. I grouse. I shake my head to relieve the pressure in my ears and glare toward the tiny window of a private plane.

You let your guard down, Ava!Curling my fingers, I squeeze until tiny streaks of blood mar my palms. He’ssending you away! Far away!

Years ago, I learned the art of not responding. One might think I’m referring to a submissive’s behavior. But make no mistake, in a genuine D/S relationship, the sub has all the power, all authority over every rule. I had none. The only voice I had was to say, “Yes.” I was expected to takehishits—hisscreaming,hisgift of pain—immobile like a soundless rag doll tossed to and fro.

Half a year ago, a different Ava emerged, though. I no longer retreated to the place inside of my head after the abuse. I fought back. As much as I’m ashamed of the weakling I once was, I’m livid at how my body responded to the man who cornered me on the ledge. The stranger abducted me forhim.

* * *

Adull ache surges along the side of my neck and awakens me for the third time. While confined to the chair, the plane softly pushes, pulls, and tugs my body as it clambers onto a gravelly tarmac.Hemust have sent the stranger to transport me to the ends of the earth.Healways was a vile motherfucker. Mind fucks were his specialty—not the slaps, the closed-fisted punches, or bruising my mouth with the bottom of his expensive loafers.


The mind fucks.

Ignoring the screaming pain in my neck from resting in such a position, I let my head fall back. A soft laugh slips from my lips. He’safraid of you, Ava. Your actions almost ruined him last time, so calling in a five hundred-thousand-dollar hitman makes sense.

I laugh again. I’ve landed in the seventh circle of hell. No man sees a woman on a ledge and saves her anymore. He says, “Jump.” His eyes gleam with the satisfaction of her suicide,his entertainment.

I groan. The asshole who took me plans to break me into a million pieces, then the bittersweet taste of mercy will be upon me.

No. Fuck that.