I massage the emotion from my throat by pushing down the lump. “My sister has her caretakers. Closer I get to my sister, the more likely she’s to die, sofecknae. Eh, listen, that’s a discussion for another time. Since we laid Hank to rest, Blythe’s heading his first shipment in Boston.”

Taking a seat on the leather sectional in the Citibank waiting area, I let my eyes bite shut. Up until a few days ago,BawbagHankwasanotherarseholein my clan. To stitch the relationship with the MacKenzies while I’m in Ireland, I’ve asked Blythe MacKenzie, Brody’s cousin, to supervise Boston on my behalf. Ewan luckily agreed.

I add, “Support your cousin while he assimilates to his new role for me. I asked Erika first, but she and Ewan are talkin’ about family counseling—same therapist Jamie and Nan uses.”

“That’s good.”

“Yeah, a much better scenario than his quest for heirs. So, for now, help Blythe. When my little birdie is ready to flap her wings—”

Brody cuts in, “You set her free, Kieran?”

“Wewill be in Boston. I’d not bring her a second sooner.”

“Because she will run?”

“Aye,bawbag. If that’s what you’repursuing. Aye, she’ll run.” I shrug a shoulder, lifting a finger to the accountant, who’s come from a long corridor.

Brody continues, and I hang up as he says, “Then let the lass g—”

* * *

An hour later, I’ve completed the meeting on behalf of Ewan.

“Your initiative is brilliant, son,” Ewan tells me as I stalk out of Citibank, my cell to my ear. “Having Blythe in Boston is a good idea.”

“You in therapy with Brody Boy?”

“Oh, funny, funny. I’ve been spreading myself thin. Brody Boy and I have had us a good blether. I’m enjoying Nan’s cooking.”

Some of the best meals of my life were when our clans had festivals in the highlands. Aunt Nan’s, who’s no relation to me, and my mother’s cooking might have been the only times I didn’t begrudge Da while growing up.

“See. I should’ve had Blythe in Boston this entire year.” As we hang up, I wriggle my jaw at the thought of how my cousin,BawbagHank McFarland, ousted the MacKenzies to the Feds. That also happened last week while Little Brody and Erika were ducking and dodging the wedding Ewan coveted.

I fiddle with my keys and think of checking in on Blythe just because. He can handle himself. But Ava may do well with a few days stewing at my home.

Aye, that’s what I’ll do. Itoss the keys up, nod, and open the driver's door. I’ll fly myself to Boston for the week. Once I return, my little birdie will beg for my attention.

Just as I catch the keys, I glimpse a woman who’s thefeckingdoppelgänger for my wee birdie at the market across the street.

Bertha’s none the wiser regarding Ava’s resistance, although my henchmen are. Jaw rigid, I stalk across the street as her curvy frame disappears toward the rear of the building.

Oh, she’s in trouble.Bloodyfeckingtrouble. I head across the street. First, I search out Bertha to relieve her of duty for the entire day. Then I seek out my little bird—time to snip her wings.



For a split second, I beg for Kieran’s sinful gray eyes to be on the body at the opposite end of the hand that’s clutching my throat. Adrenaline boils through my veins as I assess my surroundings in a matter of a second.

My captor has locked us into a storage room. A broomstick has fallen, and the mop is out of reach. His ruddy, pock-scarred face pushes into a sinister grin while he grunts about slicing and dicing me.

With hot fury welling in my throat, I hook my fingers into claws, jamming them into his eyes socket.

Air catches in my assailant’s throat. “Soith! Ya bitch!”

I dip as a right hook parts the air above my head, and his knuckles crunch into the wall. With my right leg anchored back, I throw a calculated power punch at my assailant’s nose.Yes! This is how you defend yourself, chica!I’ve set up a combination punch, but his hand strikes out. While his blood drains down his face, his fingers claw into my throat. Regardless of my aggressive strikes, the vice grip he has on me is almost lethal.

The air in my lungs vanish. The man brings me down to the ground. My vision narrows and darkens at the edges.