“Fergus,” Leith says as we snag a few hot seats at the bar. “The brother of a man you wronged.”

“That tells me nothing whatsoever,” I snap.

He chuckles, tipping back a brewsky. “Hothead makes for a lot of enemies.” Leith gestures toward me. Rolling my eyes, I move closer. He mentions the name of thebawbagwho attacked Ava at the grocer months ago.

I pinch the bridge of my nose. “Flannery—that big, redmotherfeckerwas filching a little off the top in a few weapons deals. Slipped through my fingers a couple of weeks before I caught up with him.”Or he caught up with Ava, to be precise.“He had a clan?”

“Not much of a clan, Kier. Those two brothers were always screwing someone over. Was just a matter of time. Anyway, Fergus was in the pen. Second he got out, he stole a car and came to see you.”

I bite a hangnail, muttering, “He didn’t seeshite! Little bitch got a bullet through his head the second he came on my property.”

Leith shakes his head, laughing. “Fergus had a couple of rocks where the noggin goes.”

I rap my knuckles on the wood countertop. “Do they have more clan?”

“No.” Leith swigs his beer.

“You positive?”

“One hundred percent.”

“Better be,” I snort, “I die; I hauntyou.”

Leith grabs a tuft of his reddish-blond hair. “You’ve nothing to worry about, except for the next person you piss off.”

“Alright, one can’t be too cautious,” I tell him. “Now, you know where this blether’s headed.”

“About Ava—”

“No excuses, Leith,” I grit out as the bartender asks what we’d like to drink.

“Your best scotch,” Leith tells him. The blue label is placed in front of us with two glasses. We’re handed our drinks.

I tip my glass. “Thanks, mate.”

“We square?”

Long as nothing bad comes to pass for my little bird before I find her.

“Yeah.” I toss back oaky scotch then glance over my shoulder. Our clans are eating, drinking, and merry.Where’s my sister?

Narrowing my eyes, I find Kiera and Brennan, standing, smiling, and half-hidden on the opposite side of an out-of-order jukebox.When had that weebawbagarrived?

I turn around on my stool. “We’re good, indeed. I’m gonna gut Brennan instead. It’s my God-given right to avenge my sister’s honor.”

Leith draws out, “Kier—”

“We both know the last time I had pussy. I’m in a fighting mood.” I tip my drink back and get up from my seat.


“Pay up.” I pat Leith’s shoulder, leaving him to closethistab. As I head over to our table, I narrow-eye Brennan.

As if suddenly uncomfortable, Kiera adds inches between them, and Brennan pushes away from the wall.

“Brother,” Kiera snaps through pinched lips as I grip her about the shoulders and steer her out of my way.

“Uhhh . . . Hey, Kier.” Brennan forks a hand through hair the color of a wheat field.