“Kiera?” I arch a brow. Off in the distance, an owl hoots.

“Yes. You’re letting your little sister . . .oye.” Ava pauses. Pure disappointment mares her gorgeous face. “Kier,you’re not allowing her to stay?”

I shake my head no. “It may not look it, Ava, but July and August are the warmest months here. Kiera’s not to know I’m sending her away until I’ve found another safe place.”A haven far, far away. Securing Kiera’s well-being will get Mam’s ghost to stop haunting me.

* * *

The following week, I’ve sent all the servants away. Next, I’ve removed the henchmen to the perimeter of the manor and their usual wooded areas. In a bright, multicolored dress, Ava twirls around the kitchen like she owns the place.

“Strawberry crepes for milady,” she dips, setting the plate in front of Kiera.

“Hey, you’re supposed to bemy lady,and my sister’s way too young—” I hide a smile as a sharp, bony elbow flies in my direction.

“Laying on the over-protective brother a little too thick today, don’t you think?” Kiera says.

“I’ve made a career of it, lassie.” I return Kiera’s elbow, much more affectionately, of course.

“A fully-loaded omelet for my . . .” Ava exaggerates confusion while her innocent smile makes my dick twitch in my trousers.

I lean forward on the island stool, asking, “Oh, no title for me?”

“Let’s call you the guy who stole me away. I mean,whiskedme awayfrom it all.”

“Now that Pearla and Benson are staying at the inn, and we’ve decided to send them home,” Kiera wrenches her fingers, “Should we interview teachers?”

Preoccupied with wolfing down my eggs, I don’t quite make the connection. “Why?”

“Ya know, instructors who’d assist with homeschooling Kiera,” Ava says. While Kiera sighs in relief, I side-eye between them, chewing my food.

“Who told the two of you Kiera was getting a private teacher? You’ve those instructors already, Kiera.”

“Well, it’s that . . . my caregivers fear you. We probably should find a few instructors who aren’t shaking in their boots in your presence, brother.”

Ohfeck, we’re havingthe talkwhere Kiera automatically assumes this life is meant for her.

Ava segues into, “You’re trigger happy, ya know? So maybe a few instructors who can stomach the sight of you on a more normal basis.”

I let out a clipped laugh, although I’ve the feeling she’s attempting to ease the nerves for my wee sister. I fold my arms.

“You’re an inquisitive lassie, Kiera. Get to it. What thefeckare you asking?” Void of any emotion, I stare her dead in the eye. Kiera plays with her food, lowering her eyes. If I had a mind to feel sorry for the girl, I would. Mam’s screaming threats to my life if harm comes to a single hair on Kiera’s head.

“Thefeckare you asking?” At my trigger-haired temper, Kiera jumps, dropping her fork into a sea of syrup and half-eaten crepe.

“You know what she’s asking!” Ava cuts in.

“Nah. She’s gotta make it clear to me. From y’alls’ mouths to myfeckingears. You’ve said so much, yet all I hear is criticism. I scare nuggets. What are you asking, Kiera? No halfarsing!”

“I thought . . .” Heartfelt tears burn my sister’s eyes. She bites them shut, and I target her shoulder, incapable of looking her in the face. “Brother, I’m begging you to let me live here. With you all.”

“No,” I growl, glowering at her as if the lassie were my enemy.I must ensure your safety, sweetheart.

“Kieran,” Ava whispers, fiddling with her fork.

“Ifeckingsaid no!”The driving force backs up my words.

While tossing her hands over her mouth, Kiera jumps up. Her grand exit includes her signature statement. “Iwish Ineverexisted.”

“This is the consequence of your actions, Kieran.”I hear Mam’s voice clear as day. As a matter of fact, the second I look up from my meal, my gaze clashes with her shrunken frame and hollowed eyes. She’s a face only a bairn could love. Gone is the beautiful maternal figure from myweanyears.