“What’s the universal magic word,eun beag.”

Shooting a look over her shoulder, Ava deadpans, “I don’t know.”

“Feckingliar,” I softly murmur. With the flick of my wrist, the riding crop splits over her sweet, peachy buttock. Infinite force backs the next couple of successive blows. Over the sound of her heart-twisting tears, I growl, “The magic word is ‘please,’ Ava,please.”

Chest heaving, she pants out, “Maybe . . .that. . . should . . . have . . . been my safe word . . . because . . . Iabhorthat word too.”

God, she’s beautiful, made just for me.I move around to the side of the bed, running the riding crop through a stream of Ava’s tears. Mesmerized by her emotion, I promise, “There’s always tomorrow. No, the next day, better yet. Tomorrow you’ll not be able to sit on yourarsemost likely.”

Flinching away from the touch of the riding crop, Ava squints. “Keep . . . hurting me, Kieran.”

Burning desire replaces Ava’s frustrations as my fingers stroke deep into her. She’s on a razor-sharp edge every time I alternate from cracking the riding crop against herarseand mending the pain in the only way she’ll allow. Filling her pussy might as well be the balm that bridges the dark abyss between the two of us.

"Would you like to cum?” I ask. Herarselights up, a crimson red, like Christmas. She’s teetering on all fours and leaning against the headboard.

Unable to speak, Ava hardly nods.

"Tell me whom you belong to, then you may cum."

Settling my hands firmly over herarsecheeks, her heated blood pulses beneath the surface. I craved this power. She consented.

“Remember,” I speak between peppering kisses over her buttocks, “I belong to you, Ava. We belong to each other, but I’d rather hear it from your sweet lips.”

The whimper is somewhere between hopeless disbelief. Fisting my cock with one hand, I let my tongue slither over the ridges of herarsehole. She slips a finger over her pussy, moving in swirls, and my tongue swirls around the tight little bud. I grab the lube, pumping my finger in and out of herarse. Possessed by the desire to have more than the foolishness, I move around until I’m facing Ava. She’s as perceptive as ever. It’s a blessing and a curse. Daft women are a good lay—once. I coax my fierce little bird. I stroke her hair, caress her face and neck gently.

She mews, heavy laden eyes, not closing them. My chest constricts at the notion of there being no trust between us.

“Alright, you’re not ready to utter it, aye? Suck my cock then, Ava.”

Though she’s eager, I capture the back of her neck and use her mouth. After a few seconds, I stop penetrating Ava’s mouth. I let her control—she’s only willing when her lips are stroking over my dick. She sucks all of me down her throat, running her tongue underneath, then swirls my erection.

“You could be cleaning your sweet cum from my cock, Ava,” I groan. My fingertips lightly trace the outline of me on the side of her caramel cheek. “Would you like that? A hardfeckthat leaves my dick drenched in your juices, which you’d get to lick every inch of?”

My cock twitches slightly in Ava’s mouth. But I have other ideas, like reeling her back in—by consent or force—who thefeckknows. My hand clutches her throat, hard cock bobbing out of her mouth. “Now, Ava, whom thefeckdo you . . . belong...to?”

Her tits heave magnificently as if I took a knife and held it to her throat while offering her the world. Much like the devil, always offering something pretty when preparing to steal a soul. But the lass hasmine.

Without warning, I suck her succulent, round tits like a madman. She wants to cry out, but she's stubborn as a highland cow. Her reaction to even the tiniest, weefeckingthing claws my insides. She’s the perfect blend of fierce and broken. An electric current shoots from Ava’s body, tormenting my arousal. I pinch her nipples, groaning as the little buds strain beneath my savage invasion. My tongue trails from her collarbone up to her ear, and I nip harshly at the lobe. “Ready for me to break your will, little bird?”



Rivulets of darkness eclipse Kieran as he offers to break me. It kind of reminds me of the one cognitive psych class I took in college. The definition of a sociopath is so very fucking alluring. They’re charismatic, for one thing. They twine you around their finger, then their strike is lethal. However, Kieran showed me he’slocoon our first encounter. He keeps upping the fucking ante.

One minute he’s nipping my earlobe, and I’m high off the extremely attractive tyrant. The next, fear courses through my veins as I face-plant into the mattress. I twist my neck at a dangerous angle. It’s either that or suffocate to death.

“Kier—” is all I can scream as his cock grinds into my ass. Tears bite my eyes.

Before I’ve time to react, to scream, to poke the bear a second time, one of his hands sneaks down to my pussy. Cruel fingers squeeze my clit. With the blazing hot pain across my ass and the hard thrust of his thick dick, it’s like he’s tossed me overboard all over again.

I succumb to agony and a pleasure I won’t admit to. I bite down onto the sheets. Kieran lodges his thick cock in places Adnan has never been.

“Best use that mouth for good this time,” Kieran commands. Though his voice is firm, an underlying taunt laces through it.

“Que cabróneres.”I call him a bastard, tossing a scowl over my shoulder.Big mistake.Now, I can’t take my eyes off him. The primal desire, the way his abdominals contract and flex. My clit spasms.

I’ve passed the point of suppressing my moans. Kieran’s pulsing, thick cock fills my ass. I’m surprised when he slides a finger into my drenched channel, stroking the ache building there too. Cursing him in the language of both my parents, I grind back against him. He's stroking every inch of me, and I’m on fire. Kieran’s mouth peppers over the nape of my neck and down my spine. He’s slowing down, yet the slight shift in his position hurts my tiny sphincter. He is deep stroking my ass now, pinching a nipple between his fingers and tugging it away from my body. My channel floods over his other fingers that are stroking deep inside of me.