A few seconds later, Ava’s lashes flutter upward, and captivating brown eyes look me over. The rushing tide exceeds the sound of her murmur. “Yeah, a little. Thanks.”

“Oh, a show of appreciation. Myeun beagsqueaks more than that, yeah?”

She laughs softly. “Hey, you blessed me with that name before I said a single word . . . um . . .”

Flicking her bottom lip through her teeth, Ava lowers her head. It’s as if she’s just caught herself carrying on a simple conversation with an old mate. Sure, I’ve had a bevvy or two with friends, but I could get used to this.

Entranced by the cleaving of her plush lip, I reach down and catch her mouth with mine. But the lass’s running cold already.

“I made a promise, Kieran.”

I laugh, clutching the back of her neck, dominating her mouth anyway. “Onefeck, was it? Or are you orchestrating your great escape? Hmmm, how soon we must forget. How’drunning offgo for you this morning in the wee hours when it’s darker than the Earl of Hell’s waistcoat. How thefeckdid that go for you?” I subdue her flying limbs in a matter of seconds. “Stop it.”

“Stop?” she snarls, the waves knocking against our naked bodies. Aye, this was why she’d not felt cold until after wefecked. Her combative stance kept her warm. “Shall I allow you to rule my life?”

Ava’s breasts crush against my chest. She doesn’t realize the arguing brings us closer.

“When you’re done attempting to bash myfeckingface in, I’ll let you go.”

Ava wiggles herself backward, which only sends her hot sex pressing against me. Still unaware, she pants out, “Alright, stop patronizing me, Kieran. I’ll fight you tooth and nail over it.”

“I’m not . . . trying to bloody patronize you, Ava. See reason. You’re here, with me. Let go of the notion that you can run.”

The gentle waves crash against our waists. Gulping, Ava glances between our entangled bodies. She whispers, “Who said I still want to escape?”

As a larger wave begins to crest behind her, I take Ava’s hand and bring us closer to shore. The swell fans out, breaking the surface. Once we’re treading water again, my palms eclipse Ava’s cheeks. “To answer your question, the thought of dodging me shines in your eyes, Ava. Tell me you won’t run anymore?”

Riveted, Ava settles for wrapping her arms around her waist. “Are we supposed to sit in the water until the sun shines down, nice and bright?”

I peer across the sandbar. “No,eun beag. Rain’s coming. I was gonna get you warmer clothes.”

Something akin to a smile flashes in her gaze. She retorts, “And risk leaving me here?”

Although my men are always near, the ones who followed us last night while I trailed her haven’t been relieved of duty. They have a knack for moving around like ghosts . . . like Mam.

“Aye.” I nod.

“I’m a runner, Kieran. It’s in my blood.” She offers a vicious little smile. “So, I’ll gladlywaitfor a change of clothing. That’ll give me a head start.”

“Not on your life, Ava, come.” I cock my head to where our wet, sand-coated clothing lay near.

* * *

Ahalf-hour later, my clothes fit me like a second skin. I’m mildly irritated, wet, and caked in sand. Ava’s arms wrap around herself as her teeth clatter, and we head toward the east wing of my home. The second I get her behind closed doors, I’ll run a hot, soapy bath. I’ll strip Ava naked and drag her into the tub, kicking, screaming, and fighting if I have to. If it weren’t for my henchmen silently watching us from the trees, I’d have snatched Ava over my shoulder and arrived by now.

But I’ve got some pride left in me. Although Ava’s not seen a single man, on account that they make her skittish, they’re watching. If they watch her attempt toprotect herselffrom my assault, I’ll look like I’m hen pecked. A pussy. I’ll look like . . . Da. The man I spent an entire life striving not to embody. Suddenly, I stop in my tracks.

“Ava, you on any contraceptives?”

Flustered, she stammers, “What—Me? N-no.”

“Should I send for a doctor?”

Silently, Ava charges forward. I clasp her shoulder, slowing her down. “Do you prefer the pill or—”

Abruptly, she stops, foot stomping into the grass. “I can’t have children, Kieran.”

Shocked, I suck in air. “I’m sor . . .”