“Protection, Ava!” I snarl. “When you inquired about all the henchmen, that’s my love to you! My show of protection.”

“That’s not love. Love is more than providing physical security, Kieran.”

Snatching the wineglass wedged in the sand, tiny sprinkles of liquid dot my fisted hand. I snarl, “How can you love someone if you’re dead? They’redead,huh.”

* * *

Afew days later, the image of scorn Ava flung in my direction still flashes before my eyes. I’m standing on the third-story balcony with my cellular on speaker, resting on the ledge. As the call connects, I glance down below at my little birdie. Since that night, she’s locked her bedroom door, not that I can’t break thefeckingdoor down.

With a stubborn grit, I watch her walk, holding herself close in her arms. She stops at the edge of the grass. She’s unable to see my henchmen in the trees but is angered that they’re there.

“Aye,bawbag!” Blythe shouts.

“Oh,feck,” I lean on my elbows. Ava captivates every one of my senses. I hadn’t noticed the call connected.

He snorts. “You accidentally called?”


“Because I’ve never thought of you as a numpty nugget, Kier. Oh . . . the captive. Did the candles and frillyshitepersuade her?”

I run a hand over the back of my neck. As if she heard me from way down below, Ava tosses a few narrow-eyed daggers my way. My mate suggested the candles and blanket in the grass. I took it a step further, having what should’ve been an intimate moment on the beach. “As expected, my little bird appreciated the gesture.”

“Hmmm, your actions went downhill from there?”

“How’s my city?”

“First, you left Boston in the hands ofBawbagHank for over a year. How’d that brilliantshiteturn out for you?”

“No, youfirst.I had my cousin murdered for his indiscretions, aye?”


“Second, my uncle appointed that nugget, not me.”

He laughs. “Okay, so my turn for a second, yeah? You’re micromanaging me, but you didn’t do the same with the deadbawbag.”

I scrub a hand over my face.

“I appreciate you overruled Ewan’s plans. Kier, you’ve always shown MacKenzies we are one, brother. When we had a blether aboutmyclan having a wee more push in Boston, I was all in. But—”

“But? Is it too much?” I cut in, tone steely.

“No!” He grouses. “Although, we had this discussion, and you hung up in myfeckingface. A new season is around the corner. Listen, I can handle the job. I’m only in the minor leagues.”

“Good. If it becomes too much, you tell me. Because I’d notwarnyou, Blythe.” I hang up, biting my eyes closed. Maybe Uncle Ewan was onto something by not appointing someone he respects. MacKenzies have always been our closest allies. Pushing Blythe MacKenzie into a position of power, in Boston no less, I’d lose it if I had to fathom reprimanding the lad.

Second chances aren’t inmy blood.Which gets me thinking, Ava had asked why I took my uncle’s name. The answer is simple. People needed to know how ruthless I am.




Nothing good comes from the night. I can’t sleep. It’s not for lack of dreaming. I can do that, plenty of it.

Nightmares in my dreams.