There are only two people in this world I ever loved. One’s dead, and the other is the spitting image of her. Soon enough, Kiera will harbor the same hate Mam had for me. Mam—and Ava too.

I tried to love my da, but my respect-meter crashed and burned the day he couldn’t protect us.

In a slow, derisive tone, Ava asks, “Do you even know what love is?”

“A union between a lad and a lass that lastsforever.”I swallow my wine and pour myself more. “There was a clan in Scotland.”

“I thought you were . . . Irish?” she asks, arms folded over.

“Both, sweetheart. So, the clan in Scotland. Bunch of smartarseholesthey were. Rubbed shoulders with royalty, owned lots of land. With power comes conceit. They cheated folks. But there weren’t many of them, though. So, they reached out to two different clans. Like they werefeckinginterviewing for an assignment. The first, bred all sons. Anytime a lass popped out a baby, the clan grew, big, strong. The second, well, they didn’t have much in the way of brawns. But they were smart.”

A couple of beats pass before Ava nibbles on cheese and crackers while feigning disinterest. The bonny minx’s eyes shine with keenness, though she keeps them on the wee sandwich she’s making. She asks, “Smart enough to recognize the original clan intended to manipulate them?”

I lean on an elbow, lazily looking at Ava. “Yeah, very smart. So, they reached out to the clan God blessed with all males. Cut a deal. Got rid of the original clan of cheatingbawbags. The two became allies. Forever allies.”

A begrudging smile lifts one side of Ava’s lips. What I wouldn’t do to reach over and press my lips at the soft crease of her pillow mouth.

She murmurs, “You’re fixated on forever.”

“Aye. I’m loyal too.”

“Whatever you say,” she murmurs, biting a section of her cheese and crackers sandwich. “So, you’re the clan of all sons?”

“No and yes. That clan is my brothers, not by blood. Clan Mackenzie.”

“MacKenzie Clan—”

“Prefer you to sayclanfirst.” I sip more wine.What thefeckhave I gotten myself into? I’m holding a woman, who lacks the understanding of the clan way, against her will?

Ava laughs, and I’m suddenly assuaged with abducting her again. “Clan Mackenzie. And you’re a McFarland. Your dad’s the smart guy? Where is he?”

“Why?” My voice booms, incensed by the mention of Da.

“I’d like to discuss the logic of sending me home. I have the feeling all this clan business means you listen to your father.” She corks a brow. “There’s a hierarchy?”

“No. And no. Andfeckno. First, the man they call my father went where all good laddies and lassies go.” With a blank face, I point a finger upward. “I’ll surely not see him in the afterlife. So, can’t ask him then.”

“I’m sorr—”

“No. Hewassorry. A very sorry person, Ava. A poor exc—”

“Tsk! I get it. A poor man who married into your mom’s family. I’m from a poor family!” She cuts in, the apology twisting into a rebuff. “People in a certain socioeconomic group mean nothing, then?”

I shake my head. “That’s not what I’m referring to. I said apoor excuseof a man. I don’t value a lad based on his assets. A man’s value lies in his ability toprotecthis family.Do you understand now?”

“Yes,” she retorts, slamming together a second cheese and cracker tower. “You’ve created more enemies than you need for yourself.”

I roll my eyes. “It is what it is, Ava. Now,” I lower my voice to a more conversational tone, “Clan McFarland is Mam’s brother’s clan.”

“You took youruncle’sname?”

“Aye. Mam was a Scottish princess, ask anyone. She had everything handed to her. The world was her pedestal.”

“Where did your father come in? Did thesorry excusemarry her for money?”

For a moment, I glare at Ava. I made a grave mistake. No, not stealing her. She’s mine until her soul flutters up from her body. It’s this connectingbullshite. I slowly grumble, “No. My da adored Mam with all of his heart. He was just half a man.”

“Half a man, how?” Ava gasps.