I feel the vibration in my whole body at his words, mingling deep in my belly with an overwhelming warm pool of arousal. My legs shake. My body contracts in anticipation of the forthcoming orgasm.Oye, I’m not gonna survive this fucking orgasm!Kieran expertly grazes my g-spot. That alone sends an electric shiver through my whole body like I stuck my finger into a wall socket.

He removes whatever contraption he’s fucking me with, and I grit my teeth.

Kieran reaches over to press his lips to my mouth. “Compromise,” he seems to say to himself. With every nerve ending in my body lit up like Fourth of July, waiting to cum, I ground my teeth in response.

His body is over me. “Yeah, you love when I’m dominating you, holding you down.”

I lose my mind.

This is it!

In darkness, I succumb to my emotions. Kieran’s hoisting my legs around his hips. My thighs cleave to his muscular frame.

“Tell me you want this, Ava. I’ve never taken in my life. At least not a woman who wasn’t begging for it.”

“Youtookme,” I snap, though more in despair over the lonely twitching of my channel. While my pussy is in agony, waiting for him to eradicate the lonely feeling, I growl, “You stole me!”

“I love the fighter in you. I’ll let you fight me, yeah?” He’s out of the bed now, unbinding the straps at my wrists.

I wait in expectation for him to remove the blindfold as if my hands are incapable of disobedience.Ava, you’re compliant now?

A minute trickles by. My fingertips brush across the silk scarf, and I remove it from my eyes. My gut squeezes at the sight of the lofty bedroom with its cream palette. Kieran’s gone. He left me with a gun, the handle of it glossed. When I place it into my palm, a scent wafts over—my scent.With my heart skittering in my chest, I thumb the chamber, only to frown deeply.Fucking figures.



Dazed, half smiling, I remove the bullets from my pocket. They fall from my open palm and clatter into the alabaster seashell Kiera got me for my birthday. My wee sister’s always finding something to collect and give. I claim the seat, extending my lengthy legs beneath the oak wood desk.

With purpose, Marty strolls into the room. I pull out a bottle of Glen’s Vodka from a bottom desk drawer, uncork and take a swig. At my nod, Marty speaks. “The man whose wedding you interrupted went by the name of Adnan—”

I pop the side of my fist on the table, quieting him instantly. I withheld some details, such as Ava’s bigfeckingstatement at the wedding. Her problems are betweenus.Furthermore, all I desire is Ava’s allegiance. For her to come tome.Trust me with her truth, so I can trust her with my own.

“Did I request details?” I grit out, indignant from sex deprivation and the intrinsic need to haveallof Ava.

“No, but Adnan’s bloody despicable. Surely, you’ll be interested in knowing—”

I cut him off again while internally targeting the name Adnan. “Watch your tongue, Marty, or you’ll be dying,” I snarl.What sort of name is Adnan?

His lips bite shut

With tented fingers,my eyes narrow pensively. I’ve not gotten where I am in the underworld being oblivious. Adnan . . . my newest enemy. I scrub my hands over my face, recalling how Uncle Ewan would slap the blood and spit out of my mouth if I couldn’t give him a breakdown of our nemesis’ habits. Sure, there were more Martys to gather intelligence, but Ewan didn’t call mesonfor no reason. I earned it.

Now, with Ava, I’m blindly stumbling through the dark. Her soul called to mine while she was on that ledge. My heart holds darkness. Hers too. But I bet we can change each other. So, for now, I settle for stumbling in the dark. I begrudgingly ask, “Any mafia ties?”


“He looking for . . .”My little birdie.A need to protect sends me wriggling my jaw. “Ahem? Thebampotsearching for her?”

Marty measures his words. “He doesn’t care, Kieran.”

I settle back in my seat, contemplating just that thought. Adnan’s off his head.

Doesn’t care.On the one hand, that’s good. A lad who’s not aware his days are marked is easier to stab in the back. I’m gonna kill this Adnan fellow. Sometime in the future, though, once Ava and I have the heart-to-heart she’s avoiding.

“Well, they say one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” I take it the guy who findsmotherfeckersfor me has more to say, such as Ava hasn’t the slightest desire to be bound to me.

Steepling my fingers, I address more pertinent matters. “Marty, create a secure line to Blythe MacKenzie.” Blythe and I were close too. We had very similar lives as the only sons until my parents had Kiera.