She hefts a sigh. “Stop acting oblivious, Kieran.Hesent you.”

“No. Which begs the question, how is he afeckingarsehole.”

“I owe you nothing, Kieran.”

I like the sound of my name fluttering from her lips. My mother had appreciated it when I was a wayward teenager, brandishing it for my wee sister.

I smile, and Ava runs an unsettled, tentative hand over her shoulder.

“Stop,” Ava gasps, muttering from English to a broken Spanish again. There’s something different about the Spanish words, though. I can’t make out all of them.

“As you could see at the pub a while back, I’m not a man who begs for pussy. It falls straight in my lap.”

“Or they’re brainwashed into thinking a handsome face and a ruthless bark is indicative of a right to claim . . . Why are you smiling?”

Chewing my lip, I retort, “You say that as if I never smile.”

“How delusional are you, Kieran? You abduct me. Get a bit rapey. Now,” on a panted breath, I glance around the room, “we’re sitting, and one of us is naked because the other shoves his weight around.”

I grip the hem of my shirt and pull it over my head. A peach haze climbs the column of Ava’s neck. She’s doing that thing again where she eyes my tattoos like I have too many sixes marked across my chest.Feckno! Mam would kill me. Although, Mam also gasped at the sight of the chain of skulls and flowers. Ava stutters for me to stop while I start for my belt.

I want desire to wash over Ava in the same way it does for me. But I don’t want her easy. I’m sofeckingaccustomed to easy. I’m just crazy enough to lust over a woman who has screws loose in her head, too. Watching her stand on that ledge told me that.

Never mind, I’ve only ever hadeasy, butif she melted into my arms,feckyeah, I’d enjoy it. I’d also be enraged how soon she folded. Ava wouldn't be the woman I thought she was. She’d lose the element that drew my attention to her in the first place.

She’ll resist, aye, but I’ll break her resolve. Besides, it’s much too late to back off now. I’ve taken the lass from her home, and I intend to keep her. To taste the prize between her thighs. Tofeckdeep into her cunt and wear her down for nobody but me.

Uncurling one arm from around Ava, I clutch her breast in my hand. Her heart skips underneath my palm, and the rest of her glorious body tenses. I sense her desire to flee, and now, she has the opening to do so. She can dart to the left. Hefting a smile, I apply pressure to her soft tit, enough to taunt and prevent her escape.

How do I tell her my objective?All I crave is you, Ava. Keeping you alive. The only one hurting youis you.

But the words won’t formulate. My attention locks on Ava’s sultry eyes. I feel her tremble irately as my thumb moves in leisure strokes around her nipple. Once it hardens, my hand slides over the slope of her breast, down her small waistline.


The other hand, trapping Ava against me, strikes like a cobra, catching her neck. “Shhhh . . .”

One hand viciously assaults her throat. The other continues its slow pursuit of her body, coming to a stop along her hip. Although I’ve not executed enough pressure to hurt her, I claim her, nonetheless.

“I like you,” is all I can muster.

"Please," Ava gasps, alarm radiating from her body. I was never one for a fickle woman who flirted and pulled away, but I bloodyfeckinglike this too.

Her resistance has my shaft harder than solid rock, harder than ever before.

"Please, Kieran. Kieran.” She starts to call my name over and over. Something tells me it should have an adverse effect. For instance, knowing the identity of an assailant might increase the chances he backs down. Onlybawbags are quitters.

Hope resonates between us as my name floats from her trembling lips repeatedly. I seize Ava’s chin, throwing those hopes out the window, tilt her face up, and crush her mouth in a hard kiss. By now, she’s moaning in protest.

I grip her throat tighter, and the increased pressure forces Ava’s mouth to receive me and deepen the kiss. At her futile struggle, I chuckle in my throat. The slaps fuel my pleasure. I’m not using a sliver of strength. I’m taking it slow, testing Ava’s limits.When will she realize there’s no escaping us?

“This was meant to be.” Again, I call her my little bird in Gaelic.

Ava punches my broad chest, clawing my muscular arms. In a quest to free herself, she thrusts her hips forward and draws back her upper body.


Her pussy presses against my jeans. I grip her, pushing her legs around me. Her screams drown as my tongue plunges into her succulent mouth. Punches grate my nerves. I carry Ava.