“Leith just verified that as well.”Kier, you numpty.I did wrong by Ava, abducting her in the first place. I knew it made me so much more like my Uncle Ewan than I’d want to let on. Still, I told myself certain aspects of her abduction separated me from him, like waiting for Ava to open up to me. Now, I’m regretting not following through with knowing my enemy in the first place.

Enraged by my own antics, I find myself having a hissy fit, quite like a lassie would. I shove the henchman away and look my little bird straight in her bonny eyes. “You’re mine, Ava. Getting you out is the least of our concerns. Trust that I’m covering extra bases because of his occupation. I’ve got it.”Leith, you better fix this, or you’re dead.

Softly, she murmurs, “Thank you.”

As a straight shooter, I know my next question will start a wee fight between myself and the lassie. I’ve waited for almost an hour to ask, so I do so now. “What was your plan?”

“Kill him or . . .” her voice fades, “die trying.”

I snort. “Kiera aware of your brilliant plan?”

The sides of Ava’s mouth pinch. As if I’m the one with thefeckingaudacity. Aye, I knew I should’ve waited, but it’s a valid question.

“Kier, I wouldn’t put such a burden on her. Your sister underst—”

“No,Ifeckingunderstood when you held that knife and asked that scheming son of a bitch about leaving yourweanin a vehicle in bloody summer! It was clear asfeckingday!” I slam the back of my hand into the palm of the other one.

My little bird rises from the couch, stalking over to me. “If this were any other situation, I’d apologize, Kier. I’m not sorry.”

Jaw clenched, I tug her close, attempting to pull down the back of my jacket. The material just covers the thickness of her thighs and the globe of herarse. But I’d not have my men see any of her if I had the chance, not even her slender ankles.

Pushing at my chest, Ava asks a million-dollar question. “Would you’ve let me go?”

* * *

The sun is rising, painting Ava in an angelic glow. As I navigate a cloudless, blue sky, I keep glimpsing Ava. She’s secured in the passenger seat, softly slumbering.God, I’ve checked off every commandment You’ve got. How did I deserve her?

“Not asleep this time,” Ava murmurs. A smile creeps on her face. She’s possibly recalling how she fell asleep while we were searching for Kiera. “Tiny knives are jabbing me in the eye sockets.”

“Your problem, not mine. The lack of sleep, I mean, not the pain.” I let one hand drop from the yoke to knead her hip.

“You’re the rudest,” she snorts, peeling an eye open.

“Don’t be offended, Ava. We were made to argue andfeckeach other. I simply meant that you need your strength. We’ve gotta catch up on the latter.”

Eyes shining with gratitude, Ava’s overtaken by laughter.

Something in me grows soft as I laugh too. I’m sofeckingsweet on her. I realize I truly am my father’s son.

Try as I might, I can’t focus on the epicenter of Boston unfolding before me. I make a steady, slow decline over slate-gray buildings still hypnotized by Ava.

“Listen, little bird,” I speak, firmly gripping the yoke to ease the private jet into landing position. “I expected to tell you this in fifty years or so, but aye, you had to take on your ex-husband alone. I admire your conviction, lassie, but once I land, no more lone wolf.”

The grin on her face flickers, and she can hardly contain the emotion bleeding into her voice. “Once we land, we’re home, right? Me, you, Kiera . . .”

My eyes drink in her face, the subtle curve edging her mouth, the serenity coloring her eyes. Even her tight, swollen eyes from crying a mess, I’m head overarsefor the lassie. “Aye, little bird. Time to pick a new safe word. You’rehappilybound to me for life.”

“Woah, pretty bossy. Is someone hungry, Kier?” The sunlight glints off her pretty brown eyes. “Kier, this is the first time I’ve felt like I’ve been home since my parents’ deaths. I’ve never been so elated. Thank you.”



One year later


This time last year, Kieran straddled Ruthless, and I trotted on Dixie. I affectionately caressed her glossy mane while spilling my heart. Kieran trained Ruthless to nudge me softly. With their encouragement, I told him how I hadn’t intentionally lied that I was barren on our wet walk from the beach. I shared how the grief of Arika’s death consumed me. Having another child was unfathomable. I further disclosed how I believed myself to be expecting when escaping for Los Angeles. I’d failed Arika so long that I put my departed little girl above all. It turns out, the morning I left Kieran, I was only suffering nervous jitters, not the sort that has lasting effects nine months down the road.