Legs widening, steadfast, I reply, “I’m sure.”

“Don’t regret giving the lad the easy way out.” He slips a sharp tactical knife out, holding each weapon in the palms of his hands. “Pick one.”

I stare at a man that I should’ve had faith in. I’m learning to trust. How will it feel to press a blade through someone’s flesh?Not someone, Ava, the man who cared nothing about your daughter.

“I said I didn’t care anymore about the truth, Adnan.” The knife burns a hole in my palm. “But if you’re honest with me, I’ll shoot you. A clean shot.”

Pleading breaks out over his face while he groans against the tape.

“Was Arika’s death anaccident? Were you so exhausted you left our nineteen-month-old in a car in the middle of summer?”

Face contorted, eyes shut, he shakes his head no.

“You left her on purpose?”

At his quick, concise nod, something sinister unleashes inside of me.

I shove the knife into Adnan’s stomach. Lifting the blade out of his flesh, I then slide that motherfucker straight into his heart. The compulsion breaks as I strive to turn a gaping hole in his chest.Oye,twisting isn’t nearly as effortless as it would seem, so I let it settle there. Blood pours over my hand. Gulping on burgundy liquid, Adnan falls back, gasping for air while we watch.

As Adnan’s twitching wanes, Kieran’s fingertips find mine. Our digits stitch together in unity. In Adnan’s death, a surreal peace surrounds me. I know my little girl is in heaven, and the only one haunting me isme. The chains of guilt break from me—the same as I saw in Kieran’s eyes when I forced faith into him the morning I left. I feel free. Here’s to a clean start.



The night I met Ava, I sat on a ledge, much like the one across from this hotel. I’d thought of gettingshite-faced,so bloodypished, I’d crack my brains over the sidewalk. Nobody knows that. I’d not even admitted it to myself. It would’ve looked like an accident, I’m sure. People wouldn’t have assumed Kieran was such a pussy.

I close my eyes, letting the cool night air exhaust the fire burning in my chest. I’m leaning against the open French doors of the hotel. Ava’s wrapped in my suit jacket on the couch. Peace descends around her. My men deposit Adnan’s body into two pieces of tarp. Empty luggage rests nearby.

As my team efficiently dismembers him, I beg to all that’s holy for him to rise. I’d kill him all over again.My way.

One of my men catches my attention. His eyes flit hesitantly toward Ava.

“Talk,” I order.

In business mode, his shoulders square. “Leith cleared hotel surveillance. He’s digitizing the nugget’s checkout. Tom and I will stay behind, get the place spic-and-span, and initiate departure once the others take the stiff home. The wife’s dead. Knox and James are waiting.”

I nod. Gotta love those MacKenzie boys. Especially Knox, who’s a part-time fireman. He’ll give the appearance that the bitch ruined a late dinner—killing them both.

Tom hesitates. “We don’t, uh, know how to get her out of here, Kieran.”

I hiss “Meaning what?”

“She works—”

“Oh,” Ava’s posture stiffens. “I work here, Kier. My DNA’s all over.”

“No, youworkedhere. I’m assuming this was a hasty decision made after you left.”

Lowering her head, she nods. “Although I had fake identification, I was working under the table. If Leith uncovered that in less than an hour. . .”

Pinching the bridge of my nose, I slowly compose myself. “That’s why Knox is burning themotherfecker’shouse down.”

“I know, but—”

“You said Adnan’s a District Attorney with enemies. He’s also a cheating bastard. Could’ve been the call girl. Could’ve been his disgruntled, new wife. His family doesn’t present a viable threat.”

“Yes, I said his parents would mourn him, but—”