With a quivering voice, Willow murmurs, “All this time I refused to believe we were two disasters on the same course. So, I’m saying, no! Okay? No, andgood...”

“I told him no!” Jamie had screamed the one instance I attended therapy with him.

“Please!” In the blink of an eye, I’m hugging her to my chest. I grip her so fucking tight you’d think I’d fall apart the instant I let her go. The top of her head tickles my jaw, and she smells sweet enough to eat. But something’s off. Even though I want more than her hot slit, Willow Greene isn’t putty between my arms.

Jamie was right. I had a few tricks up my sleeve. His abduction wasn’t one, though.

She’s stiff between my arms, looking up at me with pain reflecting on her face. I hold tight. The closer I look, the more I see fresh tears brimming, but I let the light of her eyes consume me. I’m morphing into a better man instead of dragging her down.

Heart bursting out of my chest, I declare, “I love you, Willow. I’ve never said that shit before, never planned to. But you’re my world, Lo. I’m fucking in love with you.”

Her arms fold over each other. “You’re confused, Cam. This is an addiction.”

“Yes, you’re an addiction. But shouldn’t you be?” My knuckles begin to glide the length of Willow’s silky cheekbone, but she moves back. I growl, “Shouldn’t we be addicted to each other? What’s the fucking problem there, huh? My first taste of you started this obsession—so what? You’re my first thought when I wake up, when I go to sleep, and every moment in between. An addiction. Obsession. Love. Willow.”

Hope sparks in my eyes while Willow gazes at me. Her holding back massacres my heart. Though I don’t deserve her, my lips brush over her forehead, and I whisper her name like prayer I’ve neglected for years. “Willow, I love you.”

“Oh,” she hefts the slightest laugh, eyes twinkling with a sea of unfallen tears. “You were saving that one. Earlier, I texted you. You responded that you’re busy preparing for another party. Now, you’re horny.”

“The fuck are you talking about?” I hold Willow at arm’s length. She hasn’t responded to any of my texts today. “I texted you earlier. You didn’t respond to me. I—”

“Yeah, I stopped responding because of your last message about the Green Room.” Willow counters.

I bite out. “Wasn’t me.”

“Stand here, lover boy. Don’t move a single tattoo-clad muscle.” She places on an icy smile. I lean against the railing. Willow saunters inside to grab her cellphone from the nightstand. Stalking toward me, she shoves the screen into my face. I snatch it from her hand.

“Harley G—”

“That’s you. Bag O’ Pricks sounded a tad Irish.”

I tune her out to read the message.

“ ‘Since you’re acting stuck up, shove the apology in your cunt,’ ” I grumble. Jamie wrote this. “ ‘I’m getting action at the Green Room this weekend.’ ”

I laugh. “I’m supposed to practice celibacy until the weekend? That’s five days away, Lo.” I clear my throat. “One of my kid brothers sent this.” I’m gonna kill Jamie. “Rory, has to be him.”

“The sweet ten-year-old?”

“Eleven, twelve? The little fucker introduces himself with, ‘What are you allergic to?’ ”I let out another huffed laugh for good measure.

She stares at me a couple of beats. “What do you all do at your parties?”

Oh, fuck. The we-hashed-this-out line won’t suffice, not tonight. How do I work this? “Illegal fights, dancing, alcohol. People fuck in dark corners.”

“That’s not okay.”

Grabbing a tuft of my hair, I sputter, “I said I fucking love you, Lo!”

Willow’s irresistible mouth curves into a frown. “Camdyn, people don’t reserve that as supporting facts for their angry girlfriends. Or am I?”

I lean back against the rail again, fisting the cool, wrought iron, calming the impatient rage in my soul. “Are you what? Yes. You’re mine. I’m yours. We belong together.”

“Love should be a sudden epiphany, a meteor shower. Not a means of apology.”

My hands frame her waist. “I haven’t touched another cunt since my mouth crashed against yours. I love you.”

She’s still stiff. “Woah. You drop the L-word and dare to have an attitude the size of Antarctica. Goodnight, Cam.”

The heat of raw pain crashes into my words. “I’ll not fuck you tonight, Willow. But I’m not leaving. Scream. I don’t care. I love you. I fucking love you.”