“Get the feck back here, you bawbag!” A gravely Scottish voice growls out as Camdyn gets into the driver's side.

I glance over my shoulder. Camdyn reverses, and The Bear or The Beard, or whatever an eyewitness prefers, lunges back in the nick of time.

Brody slams a hand against the rear of the ride as Camdyn laughs, heavy on the gas. Since I’m putting on my seatbelt, I clamber a hand onto the dash. Camdyn’s forearm swipes out, holding me in place.

“Dammit, Cam . . .” Loving you makes me crazy.

* * *

Less than a half-hour later, Camdyn assists me from the truck.

He holds out a small sack of weed. “I’m gonna twist up.”

“Can I introduce you to my mom for half a second?” I take one of his hands. “Pretty please? Then I promise I won’t be long.”

His arm swoops around me, and we walk up the curb. When his wandering hand slips to my backside, I press my cheek into the crux of his shoulders, drawing peace from his presence.

We walk down the hall where JT and Sterling ambushed me. Camdyn’s breath whispers along my ear. “You good?”

My gaze flickers away from the nurses’ station, and I push down a case of PTSD. “Long as I got you.”

Though I’m genuinely content in Camdyn’s arms, anxiety coils in the pit of my stomach as we enter my mom’s room. The acrid scent of cleaning materials clogs the air. The constant swoosh of the ventilator tube jammed down my mom’s throat amplifies my tension. Suddenly, Camdyn’s embracing my midriff means the world to me. He offers an affectionate squeeze before letting me go. I meander a few more paces to my pale, unconscious mother. Reaching past the hospital bed railing, my throat jams as I tuck a dread behind her ear.

I gradually utter, “Momma, this is my knight, Cam. Though his armor isn’t all that shiny, it’s sturdy and dependable. Cam, this is my first cheerleader. The list goes on.”

I worry Camdyn might feel uncomfortable and lock gazes with him. For a moment, I find myself lost in his sincerity. Camdyn’s kind mouth brushes across my forehead. His next move patches together my broken heart. In a smooth, frank tone, he says, “Mrs. Greene, I haven’t always been good to your daughter. You raised a beautiful girl, worth more than the world. So, with that being said, you have my word. I’ll do right by her, now.”

I fan the heated, happy tears brimming in my eyes.

Camdyn groans.

With a dazzling smile, I shoo him away. “Go roll your blunt. I’ve gotta cry.” Because that’s the sweetest thing ever, and I love you.

After Camdyn leaves, I spend the next few minutes telling my mom about our plans in Big Bear.

“I remember when you thought Christian and I had a little extra fun in Barbados. It took Dad convincing you to let me go out on the last night with him. And Dad’s the one who scares the guys away.” I chuckle, wiping a forlorn tear.

“Well, you’ll be happy to know Cam got rid of Christian.” I fork a hand through my thin dreads and mutter, “Nevertheless, if you’re listening, Cam’s kept us safe.”

Sighing, I rise and head into the restroom to change out of my uniform. I’m smoothing my dreadlocks over one shoulder of my sweater when I hear a voice in Mom’s room. I twist the knob. The door snaps open. My eyes lock onto a pair of dark brown orbs, and I snarl, “Get. Out. Now.”