
Willow’s alluring eyes squint into hazel chips. She’s beyond pissed. I swallow hard, wondering what my little brother told her. Fuck it. My jaw locks down, and I toss her a pair of my own daggers. I’m gutted our utopia would crash and burn so soon. My family’s sitting at the dining room table, except for Dad, who’s on a clan run. The French doors are open behind us. Either I’m imagining shit, or a cold breeze brushes the back of my neck as I notice Jamie watching us.

“Lo, the fuck’s your problem?” I growl under my breath, forcing a smile for my family to see. My heart shoots into the pit of my stomach while I wait for her response. C’mon, Jamie wouldn’t sell me out. He wouldn’t tell her the plans I had for her birthday. The truth hits me like lightning and thunder. Jamie wasn’t aware of the plans I’d had for her, but he is aware of the Green Room. Aware of what I’ve done. Forcing a grin, I await her response.

A few dramatic beats later, Willow smiles, though it doesn’t quite meet her eye. She reaches over, saying, “Excuse me,” as she grabs a bowl of mashed potatoes. She whispers, “You left me.”

That it?I snort, squeezing Willow’s thigh. She drops her hand on the back of mine, pinching the shit out of me. I chuckle softly.

“What’s so funny between the two of you?” Jamie asks across from us.

“That’s between me and my girl.” As I anticipated, the pinching stops. A fraction later, Willow’s targeting another spot. My smile falls. I just verbally claimed her. I reach between her thighs and execute the same savage affection to her clit.

Then for the next ten minutes, we eat. I glare at Jamie, waiting for his eyes to connect with mine. The little shit refuses to look my way now.

“Mom, Willow and I are going to the cabin in Big Bear. I need the keys.”

“Ye mean tomorrow, son?”

“Tomorrow is Friday. School, remember?” Willow murmurs.

“Nae disrespect to ya, sweetheart,” Mom gestures to Willow, “I’ve it in me mind that Camdyn had you wayward today. However, Cam, mind me words. The money I’ve spent on your education could very well support our clan.”

“Aye,” I roll my eyes. “I didn’t ask to attend DuPont. I’m eighteen. I don’t fucking have to go either.”

“Camdyn,” Willow whispers.

“I’ll keep the keys to me cabin.”

“Aw, Mom, I love you. Those were facts.”

“An entire blether of facts.”

“Mom.” I soften my approach, getting out of my chair to go to her. Embracing my mom from behind, I drop a kiss on her cheek. “I fucked up Willow’s birthday. You gotta give me the keys. What if I promise that we’ll return in time for church?”

“Well then, you sweetened the pot. School tomorrow, aye?”

For the time it takes me to pass by it. “Yeah.”

* * *

Willow stands in the center of my bedroom, unraveling the stitched edge of the vacation shirt. She stares at me inquisitively, then, noticing her fidgeting, drops her hands to her hip. “How do white people cuss at their parents?”

“I was discussing a situation with her. Now, if I raise my voice during said conversation, she has a fist for my throat. When we’re drunk, I won’t cuss. She’s liable to forget she loves me then.”

I step toward Willow; she scoots back. “I have more questions.”

“Too bad. I’ve desires.” I’m on her in a second, hand gripping her pussy.

“Camdyn, no.”

“Alright, ask me anything.” I move toward my dresser, grab a tin box where I keep my weed, and open the windows.

“Can I have your attention?” she snaps.

“You walk and talk? I listen and roll up.”