“Well, we have an entire crowd. So, whoever you are, let’s pretend like I pursued your excellence, but you decided I was unworthy. Does that work for you, Camdyn?”


She grins, and my fucking dick swells. At least the motherfucker’s ten times bigger than my bruised ego. “Alright, Camdyn, your call.”

“Heh, my call.” I heft out a tiny laugh, releasing my pawn.

Her chest heaves with relief. Not so fast, sweetheart. My hand snakes out, clutching the back of her neck. The shock hardly registers across her face as my ruthless mouth crashes against hers. My teeth sink into the flesh of her bottom lip, drawing blood. As her subdued yelp opens her mouth, my tongue slides in, tangling against hers.

That’s enough for now.With a satisfied growl, I let the new girl go again. She stumbles backward. Instincts had sent my mouth crashing against hers. In shock by my own actions, I allow her hand to collide against the ridge of my jaw. The swish of her skirt hypnotizes me as she shoulders past Barbies and Kens.

Rooted to the same spot, I savor the burn from the fire she set across my cheek. My cock is so fucking heavy the imprint of it creates a crater down my leg. She smelled of untouched innocence. A drop of her in the ocean would call every fucking predator in a thousand-mile radius. The tiny bit of copper in my mouth from piercing her lip makes my soul stir.

She’ll bleed again for me. The virgin will be my undoing. But she won’t be left unscathed. My innocent little treasure will fall apart for me. I will own her. I’ll watch dark lust wash into the light of her eyes as I fuck her for the very first time.

“Cam . . . Camdyn?” At the sound of my name, the world comes into focus. A brunette twirls a finger around her tresses, swaying in front of me. Gasps of shock and low murmured whispers fly in all directions. Well, fuck them too.

“What?” I don’t afford Curious Barbie one single glance.

The brunette’s sidekicks step forward, each one segues off the other.

“How come . . .”

“You kissed her . . .”

“But you never kiss any of us?”

“First,” I growl, “I feck bitches. There’s nothing in the rule book about kissing them.”


“Second, stop giving up pussy first if you only desire a kiss.”

Courtney materializes in the center of the group, unfazed by our discussion. Half the girls on the cheer team stalk away. The Barbies are aware that when Courtney or Amir is near, our conferences are private.

As always, Courtney’s Crocs match the green in her skirt. “We have a problem, Cam.”

“Fuck yeah, we do. Get the name of the girl I kissed.”

Courtney tilts her head. An expression I’ve never seen flashes across her face. It may be her first emotion ever. “You kissed a girl?”

I roll my eyes. “Find out all the information you can on the new girl, Court.”

“But our problem is Riv—”

“That’s your problem. And the reason you have a nest egg for MIT, squirt.” I mention the same university my older brother Leith attended. “I pay you. Find everything about her before lunch.”

* * *

Halfway through third period, Courtney shoots me a text. Attached is an entire cumulative file.

“Willow Greene,” I murmur.

My teacher, Miss Harmon, drones on about environmental science. I open the file to read without a care of what I might miss. With an eidetic memory, I haven’t even cracked the textbook yet. Listening to the teachers is unnecessary as well. I attend classes as a consideration to my parents.

I pull up Miss Greene’s schedule first. The little minx and I share a few AP classes, although at different times. Shit, her last class is with Jamie.

My brother’s almost two years younger than me. He just turned sixteen, though he’s in AP Physics with Willow. I spend the next ten minutes reading every grade she’s ever gotten. Lips in a tight line, I read about Willow’s infractions. My good girl was a baddie in middle school. And recently—