Quietly, I pull the door open and lean against the doorframe of a tiny bedroom. A guy stands in front of long strands of dreadlocks. My Willow’s wedged on the floor. I can’t see her face. He has his thumbs hooked into his nursing scrubs while she cowers in a corner.

I give a deep, low chuckle, filled with dark amusement. “I’d say the lesson was taught, seeing how Willow’s on the ground, scared.”

The old guy whirls around. His attempt to buck up falls flat when he stares down the barrel of my gun. While I offer a cool smile, he snarls, “Who the fuck are you?”

“Cam . . .” Willow gasps.

“That’s another thing. I teach her lessons. I’m Camdyn MacKenzie.” I squeeze the trigger—a bullet blazes into his kneecap.

Anger morphs my face. I pull off my mask. “Since we’re on a first-name basis, I might as well share that’s the last motherfucking bullet going in your body.”

Curled on the ground, JT growls in frustration. “Fu-fuck! Fuck!”

“This is the part where most people beg for a bullet right here.” I grit, pointing the gun at my own head. The barrel is nice and hot against my dome.

Hands bound in front of her, Willow lunges herself at me. Though my arms swoop around her, I’m numb to her touch. I disassociate myself from how her voice cracks as she fights back tears and thanks me. Dammit, she’s warm and vulnerable in my arms. I go rigid. When my brother was abducted, something snapped in my brain. I told myself never to let any of my family’s problems go unpunished.

But that way of thinking has its disadvantages. Think of it this way. You see someone accosting someone you love. And when they see you, they run like pussies. Do you A, stick around to console the broken-hearted, or B, chase that motherfucker to the edge of the earth and make his entire clan—or family if you will—wish they had never been born. You got it. I’m the sicko who does the latter.