
Something was telling me not to fuck. I had opened another condom while Nightclub Barbie prepared herself, but as I was strapping up, the motherfucker broke. That’s never happened, so I left.

I’m walking toward my Harley, fingers burning as I take one long toke of my blunt. I’m not in the mood to fuck or snort coke. I redial Willow. The reminder she blocked me hurts more than any broken bone I’ve ever had.

I dial Courtney. “Track a number for me?”

Her lifeless voice comes back. “Give me ten. I need to find my other laptop. I’m in the process of modifying and rebuilding my good one. Text the number.”

With a huff, I settle on my Harley and send over Willow’s contact number. Fucking Courtney. It’s the middle of the night, and she’s rebuilding a computer. Restless, I dial Tatum.

“Hello,” she answers in a groggy tone.

“Where did you drop Lolo off on her birthday?”

Tatum growls, “I’m hanging up.”

“Do it, Stubby. I’ll tell River you sent me a tit pic.”

She sucks in air. “That’s ancient history. It wasn’t a tit pic, per se. My forearm was covering my bits, so get it right. I was trying to see if he’d like it.”

I smile. “The whole world knows you’re beautiful but that guy. Right? Now, where did you drop off Lo?”

She gives a heavy sigh. “Lo, Lolo, Willow. Why’re we giving the hoe enduring nicknames?”

“She didn’t pit Jamie against me, Tatum.”

“Hmmm, you’re a foul asshat. Her mom’s in a coma, Cam. Did you even know that? I know what that feels like. Since mineis dead, remember?”

I wince. I did know. Tatum has a soft spot for other females. When her mom died, mine was supportive. Shit, I was too. My heart cracks. Damn, I never gave Willow half the respect she deserved. I growl, “Where?”

* * *

Iwas halfway to the nursing home Tatum suggested when Courtney texted a nearby address. Now, I’m seated outside of a one-story house. Instead of curtains, the weak streetlamp reflects off foil covering the window. Could it be her old dude’s home? But why would Willow all of a sudden steal her sister’s gun?

It seems a given I’ve arrived at Christian’s house. I’m bashing his face in. See how much she loves him.

I take off the helmet, leaving the skull face mask on. With the nine beneath my leather jacket, I head around back. Soft light comes from the side of the neighboring house.

Fuck, I need to keep a low profile. Someone’s watching television next door.

Okay, so if she’s screwing Christian, I’ll shoot him in the back of the head and leave. It’s an efficient way to feel a little better about how she’s manipulated my dick.

Murmuring about how I was only semi-hard earlier, I climb through the window, cringing again. My boots gather purchase on a bed pushed close to the wall. At the putrid smell, I stifle a gag. You could do better than this, Lo. You could be doing me.

Faint light glows in the hallway. I pull out my gun. Fuck it. She’s got me breaking into places. She lied about spending the night at her mom’s nursing home room on her birthday. I’m killing them both. Behind another cracked door, I hear, “So you like sneaking around, bitch?”

And she’s letting somebody call her a bitch. Way to climb off the high horse.

“How dare you accuse us, bitch.”

“I hope you go straight to hell.” Willow’s voice, though low, is laced with venom.

I stand corrected. Is it odd my cock’s doing a happy dance? Willow sounds like she’s in a bad position.

“I’m gonna teach you a lesson.”