
“It ain’t what you think,” explains a voice I’ll never forget. An old guy with a silver handlebar mustache hobbles onto his feet at the nurses’ station. While I thought I’d heard noises in Momma’s neighbor’s room, just walking out the door, I stumbled upon a sight that drops my heart into the pit of my stomach. The nurse was bold. He seemed comfortable, even, out in the open for everyone to see. He yanks the black army scrubs over his engorged hard-on.

Feet planted wide; I glare through him.

“You’re Mrs. Greene’s girl. You heard me . . .” He begins to stumble, rubbing the back of his neck. He clears his throat. “You heard me in your mama’s room?”

“Yes.” Trembling, I cock back the hammer.

“Listen, that was all talk. Look, I just got my fuckin’ Vaseline here and my hands.” Iridescent cream shines on his fingers. He’d been watching a porno when I walked in on him.

Oh, well. Cats out of the bag on my end. I point the .22 at him. “Did you touch my momma or any of the other women here?”

“Oh, you stupid bitch.” He bucks up, and my finger collides with the trigger.

Click. Click. The first instance was an accident. Pupils widening, I click again. I never checked for bullets.

“I don’t need you in our business, bitch.”


Before I can investigate or flee, someone scoops me up from behind. I claw into the hairy arms around my midriff. While my back is pinned to the stranger’s chest, I twist around to bite. His hand clutches the column of my neck, rendering me immobile.

“You’re trespassing.” A guard, who appears to be thirty-something, flashes his badge. His name’s Sterling. “Now, you know me. The nurse’s JT.”

JT tweaks his mustache between his fingers. “I doubt anybody knows you’re here.”

I growl at Sterling, “Let me—”

“Doesn’t matter.” Sterling’s humid tongue swipes the length of my cheek, leaving a repulsive trail of stickiness and funk.

While I struggle against Sterling, JT swaggers over. My knee jets out, and he deflects the blow. His fingernails cleave into my thighs. “Not so fast, bitch.”

All the vessels leading to my heart snap. Volcanic tears assault my eyes. I struggle against Sterling, who has pinned my arms back so far, my breastplate is on the verge of snapping. JT licks his lips, plucking at the button of my jeans.

Sterling clears his throat. “Not here.”

“No—” I try to sound strong, but I hear the fear in my voice.

“Ain’t this what you asked for?” JT runs a suggestive thumb beneath my waistband.

“Begged for,” Sterling chuckles. “We’re in a bad neighborhood. If you go missing, no one will think anything about it. JT, you’re about to finish your shift. Take this bitch home. Once you’ve had her. I will too.”

A hard blow comes to the back of my head. Lights out.