Therein lies the contradiction. He’s disguised himself in a beacon of light, though he’s rotten to the core. Because with his hand extended, I spy a tattoo inked around his entire wrist. It looks colossal, like it took over his entire arm and would take dedication to trace with my fingertips. From the corner of my eye, a crowd has surrounded us. Great. Even when my track team creamed DuPont Academy, their side of the bleachers chanted about how poor we were. Even on their own turf, rich motherfuckers stick together.

Harley Guy asks, “You new?”

My heart might be numb, but down below ignites at the sound of his sexy voice. I’m past the point of speechless.

I glare at his intimidating shoulders and, holy shit, his height.

He glances away, turning his head, a lazy smile on his full lips.

That’sa signature move. This entire thing is all a setup meant to end with my body’s ultimate betrayal—a rainstorm in my panties. But his finale falls short when I glimpse a huge menacing snake and dagger tattoo on his neck. That sucker makes me want to find the largest boulder, lift it, lounge in the dirt, and let it crush down on top of me. I’m not a particular fan of ink, but this calculating bastard has a sick, dark fetish. The tattoo is a glimpse into how crazy he is. I have a habit of avoiding the cray.

The traitor in my brain reminds me that I have one last bridge to burn. This guy could be it, and Christian knows I’m not in my right frame of mind. However, Harley Guy isn’t my version of a flame, not really. Besides, while I contemplated using him, he’s already fucking with me. This school, scratch that, this neighborhood lacks POC, and I’m new. So, either I’m exotic or a new potential pet in Harley Guy’s deranged fishbowl.

And I can tell this rich prick plans to shake his fishbowl until I die.

No, this isn’t happening to me.I told myself to give today a shot. But this shit is not happening. Drawing in a shaky breath, I meet my beautiful nightmare’s eye. The new, antisocial Willow I attempted to contain today comes storming to the surface.