“Forty-three. Coma.”

The vicious way her mouth is set slowly falls, and the fight I assumed she’d dish out doesn’t come. She looks me in the eye and says, “Listen, I’m . . . not here for the drama between you, Cam, and Jamie.”

“I’m not either.” I sigh.

“Stay away from him.”

“You mean them?”

“No.” She backs away a few paces, chewing her lip. “Just Camdyn. Please. He’s River’s fam, mine too. But I’m telling you this for your own good.”

Moments later, I stare after retreating taillights. The weight of Tatum’s words echoes through me. While conflicting emotions churn my stomach, I can’t deny what I saw last night. He cared.

Thinking of the devil, I conjure Camdyn as my cellphone vibrates in my hand. With a frustrated sigh, I ignore temptation and slink toward the alley to climb through my mom’s window. At least, I’ll start my birthday with someone who loves me.