
Athousand eyes are on me, begging one question—where’s the Green Room? When it’s at a massive venue, similar to this, my horny ass clients anticipate a sectioned-off area. But tonight, Willow and I will fuck to an audience, and that audience will fuck too. Only the wildest of DuPont are here tonight, and they’ve paid top dollar for the anarchy masks they were provided before entering. It’s different, which Courtney appreciates, as she usually has to watch the dark web and ensure hackers can’t breach the facial glimmers she’s encoded.

I lead my lamb to the octagon and drop my hands onto her shoulders, massaging them. “One more thing, Lo.”


“Ye stare at Riv like that again, and I’ll ram my cock so far down your throat the tip of me pops your fecking cherry.”

“Heh. Check yourself, Cam. This place isn’t my scene. I’ll ghost your ass. Now, are your friends fighting?”

Hands clasped around Willow’s throat, my thumbs constrict for the time it takes my lips to brush over her cynical grin. “Tatum, no. Riv won’t allow her to fight. He doesn’t like people hitting her.”

She sidesteps my dark affection. “Allow? They appear to be the same age. Isn’t that the objective?”

“As you can see, there aren’t any refs to call foul. He’s juvey but won’t allow her to fight outside of a registered match. River’s fighting tonight. Me too.”

Her eyes twinkle. “Together?”

“Nah. Shall I hold you up?” My eyes flick over her curves.

“I’ve got a lot of ass back there.”

Moving behind Willow, I fold an arm around her. With one hand, I unclasp my necklace and take a quick sniff, then tuck it into my shirt. The coke is a necessity. I’m gonna need a lot more of that tonight before I hurt my precious toy.

Willow glances back. While my head clouds, I grab her ass and place her on my shoulders.

Tatum straddles the shoulders of some lame DuPont football player next to me. She winks down at me. I glare up at her. If you tell Willow my plan.

Her grin widens. The girls shout their conversation with Willow’s thighs clamped around my ears. I watch Tatum’s lips move. She runs a soft hand through the hair of the guy holding her up. When Tatum points to the stage, I realize she’s explaining submissions. The day I became an adult, I took my shit seriously. Entrance to the party is eighteen and up, same for fighting. Courtney confirms all the attendees' ages on the school website.

I banked on Willow’s discomfort and invited Tatum. Don’t get me wrong, Tatum’s all for women power, but she doesn’t give half a fuck about a hoe. So, I spun a story for my friend and made Tatum believe Willow’s like any other Barbie.

While Willow’s thighs relax around me, I rest easy. I’ll convince her to fuck to an audience as soon as I get some liquor in her. Then Amir and all my dark web clients will be left satisfied by the diverse pussy.

River glares at the football player. The guy starts to place Tatum down as I help Willow off my shoulders. I know what’s next. Tatum hoists herself around him and clasps his cheeks, planting a kiss onto his mouth. “Thanks!” Tatum grins.

River snarls, “Respect her, man.”

“She’s all over me!” Ken Doll screeches.

I step back a few paces, pulling Willow into my arms as River’s hook connects with the football player’s face. This always happens. Tatum’s starved for affection, and River takes Li’s training about respect to heart. This idiot literally won’t fuck the girl.

“Give me a second.” I kiss Willow’s confused face as Ken Doll falls.

“Hey,” I grip River’s shoulder. “He’s a rich prick. Leave him alone.”

River glares at the guy rolled into a ball. “Fuck him, Cam.”

My eyes roll. He doesn’t like being reminded he hasn’t a penny to his name. “All I’m trying to say, Riv, is his fucking dad will have you in the slammer.”

River’s boot slams Ken Doll in the ribs. As he starts to descend, hand balled into a fist, Tatum slaps River’s face. “Stop.”

“Okay.” He holds his hands up.

I round on Tatum. “Why don’t you fuck him out of his misery, Tatum.”