“Don’t call me an asshat, Stubby.” Camdyn pats the top of her head.

Clicking her tongue, she lifts her fist. “Camdyn’s bros dubbed him the American because he doesn’t have the same respect for a common human his clan would. He’s a corrupt laddie. There’s also the acc—”

“Eh, that’s enough,” I say.

She chuckles and holds out her hand, bound in cotton wraps. “Honey Badger.”

“The fuck you are,” growls a guy our age with dark hair flopping over his mahogany eyes. He’s not wearing a shirt, and my eyes zoom over the golden jagged edges of him. He belongs in the cage. Hand raised, opponent slaughtered. Emblazoned across his chest is, RESPECT ALL, FEAR NONE. I appreciate his tattoo.

The tiny, dark beauty doesn’t offer Fighter Guy a look. “Honey,” she grabs her crotch, “Badger.”

He loops an arm around her neck and pulls her away.

Similarly, Camdyn slinks an arm around me, speaking over the loud music. “The little evil one is Tatum Li.”

I assume her mom’s Black, hence the Afro-Asian features and last name.

“Her dad, Li, is an MMA coach. These two motherfeckers act like strangers when her dad’s training him. Tatum won’t divulge to Li that she’s calling herself the Honey Badger. More like Archangel. The loser’s River.”

Though Camdyn rags on the guy, a small smile plays at his lips. I’ve met his real friends. “River, hmmm?”

“He’s a backwater hick. Don’t quote me, though. When people at my old school, which they still attend, said that they got their asses handed to them by us.”

My mouth plays into a smile. “You’re permitted to say that?”

“Not to his face, Willow. He has feelings. Riv’s technically clan. We break bones together, so yes, I can say that to you because you’re mine.”

“How do you break bones?” Probably the same place you learned to target with a ballistic knife.

“Dirt bikes, shite like that. Anyway, Riv’s said his daily quota of words, a little more than my bro, Jamie. Or perhaps the same now Jamie’s befriended you.”

Guilt settles over me. Great. I lied to Camdyn the same night he’s finally honest. It’s like Christmas morning. You’re opening the gift after having shaken it all month long in hopes it’s the one thing you asked your parents for. You peel each layer in giddy anticipation. Provided we continue along this path, I feel like my birthday may turn out good after all.