
When I suggested to Jamie that it felt like he’d completed the bulk of the work and I should complete my own assignment, my efforts went to shit. He said he’d never had a partner on a class assignment before. The guilt caused me to concede. So, I did the next best thing, or rather the worst thing ever, I lied to Camdyn.

It feels akin to lying to your drug dealer and telling him you weren’t paid on Friday, so you’ll have to pay him next week. He’s been nice so far. Though, I’ve heard bodies get chopped up after screwing him over after so long.

The knock at my bedroom door sends my shoulders jolting a mile high. I brush a thumb over the tiny splotch on my all-white kicks and stand. I expect it to be the man in question. Instead, my sister peeks inside, a perplexed shadow across her face.

“A ghetto white boy with the slightest Scottish accent is at the door?”

I smile. Yes. I dressed properly in skinny jeans, a light green top, which falls over my left shoulder, and my bangles.

“Who is he?” she grits, stepping inside.

“Cam MacKenzie.”

“I thought he attended DuPont.”

A deeper voice drawls out, “I do.”

“Excuse me. Did I say you could come up?” Hillary looks like she might murder Cam.

“Your husband let me in.” A smile settles on Camdyn’s face, only to fall a second later. He clearly doesn’t give a damn that her opinion is fixed. “I was here the other night, left in the mor—”

“Cam!” I gasp.

“Mrs. Bernard, consult with your husband. He’s given me his business card and everything. We’re associates now.”

I look at Cam like he’s from another planet. There’s no hint of a Scottish accent. It’s like I’m looking at a different person.

Tone flippant, she retorts, “My husband is Willow’s brother-in-law. What I say goes.”

Dismissive, Camdyn cocks his head over his shoulder. “Confirm with your husband.”

“Listen, you tattooed freak—”

“Sis. I’m going out.” I brush past Camdyn. His fingers dominate mine as Hillary stalks after us.

“I don’t like him, Lolo. Momma and Daddy would abhor him. He smells like weed.”

“What’s the matter?” Thad asks at the bottom step.

“Leash her,” Camdyn grits in a lowered tone while she rants. He slams the door behind us. Heart vaulted in my chest, I round on him. “Why?”

The moon hits a feral glint in Camdyn’s eye. Either God’s revealing another cautionary sign, or those blue oceans have sucked me under. He rubs a heavy hand along the back of his neck then offers a signature smile. Before I fall prey to his charisma, my arms fold.

Vexed, the wolf reveals himself. “Your sister’s opinion was set in stone. I’m not in the mood to persuade her otherwise.”

“You high?”

“Not as high as I plan to be.”

Lips tight, I hold in a grumble. “Just weed?”

“Maybe.” Again, his mouth pulls up at the edges in an alluring grin.

Keep your wits, Lolo.“What else?”