“What about your dick?”

That’s the all-important question. I’m not ready to screw her yet.

I’ve seen fear in the eyes of grown men I’ve tortured for my clan. I’m a better-them-than-me type of asshole. The last time my palms sweated, my throat ran dry, and I was shaking in my fucking boots was when Jamie went missing as a kid.

That was a long time ago. I haven’t been afraid of shit until Willow Greene came crawling into my life.

Now, I’ve got one big fear. That if I screw Willow Greene, I’ll toss her and later regret it.

I’ll miss her.

Through Willow’s hazel eyes, I’m a dick. She has too much heart to succumb to my treating her like shit. But the endgame will result in, challenge over. Game won. Discard her.

I can’t do that. There’s a godforsaken spark to her. I’ll need to snuff it out first. Still, the thought of discarding her angers me.

“When I’m ready to fuck you, Willow, you will know.” I kneel, lift her thigh, plant my mouth against her pussy, and stiff tongue the addiction I can’t live without.

Pulling away, I hold her and sit down on the ledge, distanced from the shower head. In the swirls of steam, Willow’s eyes bug. My cock presses the cleft between her thighs. Her coils tickle softly at my meat as the head of me rests against her tummy.

“Cam . . .”

“Ye’re not ready.” Truth is,I want to keep you. Lock you away and have you...keep you.

As if in agreement to me owning her until the end of time, Willow nods.

“Put your pretty hands around my cock, Willow. Don’t be shy. This is a big motherfecker. We have to get me used to your tight pussy anyway.”

I shudder as her grip tightens. Willow’s mouth dips out to swipe her bottom lip. I almost cum. I fuck hard and long, yet her innocence begs my release.

“Firmer, Lo.”

Our eyes connect. Wickedness dances in her striking gaze, and virtue reddens her cheeks. God, she’s worth more than the heartache that’s inevitable because of an asshole like me.

“Ohhh,” Willow moans, breasts jiggling while masturbating me.

Sighing deeply, I get my fucking head in the game. I will not pussy out the first time I sink into her. I grunt, straining against her small hand. I’ll need to fucking pray about not cumming too.

Willow pauses for a moment, dipping a finger at the shiny fluid leaking from my shaft. Smiling, she licks her finger, sucking at it.

“That’s fecking with my head, Lo," I rasp.

“I want to satisfy you.” Willow leans forward, dragging her tits on my chest. I imagine her heart pounding from her chest as her tongue slides seductively over my bottom lip. This is the first instance where she’s taken the initiative to kiss me. My hands rest on the curve around her tight ass, and she scoots her pussy closer to my dick.

“Ye’re playing with fire, Lo.”

I scoot her back a little on my lap and thrust a finger into her slick heat. Again, her cunt becomes a vice around me, like the jaws of fucking life. My balls draw in, ready to explode.

Don’t you fucking think about it, I threaten my cock. I will cut you off.

"Imagine I’m baws deep in your cunt, Willow. Work your pussy for me.” I command. Instantly, Willow’s hips writhe past my knuckle.

“Talk . . . to me . . .” she stutters beneath her breath.

I stare at her for a moment. We’ve entered dangerous ground. I’m not fucking breaking Willow. She’s ripping me apart, digging through the darkness surrounding my heart, begging for the man who values her. At the tip of my tongue are promises to worship her and desire nobody else. But I go the sick asshole route to keep me from having to follow through with chopping off my cock. I don’t need the bastard if it’s gonna act like a big pussy.

I grip a few of her dreads, kiss her fiercely, and power finger two into her tight pussy. “If you stop, Willow, we will play this game with my knife.”

“Oh, oh, shit,” she pants, fingertips chewing my biceps. “It hurts.”

With an evil smile, I lean back, letting the water beat down my legs and wash over Willow. Tits bouncing, she rides my digits. My two fingers open her tight cunt a little more.

When she cums, my gut twists at the triumphant expression on her pretty face. The fog of lust lifts long enough for me to realize—no matter how good her slick cunt feels clamped around my fingers—a loss of control will ruin me. I can’t give her access to anything but my dick, mouth, and hands.