Camdyn plants titillating kisses over my closed mouth—the corners, the bottom lip, the top lip. This guy. He has a whole happy meal’s worth of chicken nuggets in his head.

“Should I kiss the mutiny out of you?” His abdominals crush over me. My body trembles for his touch. Something akin to possession whispers in my ear to open up and let him in.

I turn my head. “Christian was my only frien—”

“Now, I’m your friend.” His tone is still askance, gracious. “Have all the friends in the world, not him.”

My fingers bite into the taut snakes inked on each side of his bicep. “I hate you so much.”

“Would you like to say that while we feck?” His delectable mouth lifts from the hollow of my collarbone. I stay impossibly still. He wants me to fight, to argue.

“I will never have sex with you, Camdyn. Never . . . ever.”

“I doubted ye’d feck today, Willow.” His mouth explores my body, licking and nipping the curve of my breasts, sucking my defiant, enraged nipples. “I like where we are. You’re teaching me, Lolo. When I feck you for the first time, it’s gonna be so slow. Because if we screw right now, my cock will tear,” he stiff tongues my bellybutton, “tear and rip your cunt apart. So, let’s keep this pace. You have all the control, so stop me from breaking you.”

I haul off and slap the side of Camdyn’s face. With a devilish smile, he sits on his ass next to me. His sleeveless shirt stretches across muscles my tongue still hopes to lick. His massive shoulders and ropy arms, which brought me comfort last night, I now want to claw with my fingers.

The look in his sadistic, alluring gaze says he’s aware of my every thought.

“I’m not apologizing, Willow, feck.” A little more of the demon I can’t get away from seeps into his tone.

“Fuck you.”

“We’ve been around in circles. Kiss my ass. Feck you. I’m a literal motherfecker, Willow,” the savage Scot in him grouses. “Ye should ask me to kiss your arse. Fecking so soon will only hurt ye, not me. How many times must that be said before it sticks?”

I fold my knees up to my chest and look into the deep, dank sea of his eyes. “You won’t be getting my virginity in this lifetime, Cam.”

He runs a hand over his face. “I’m still not apologizing, Willow. That arsehole wants you as bad as I do. Five calls. Nine text messages. The first text I sent him, I said you forgot about the movies.”

My bottom lip begins to tremble. Will I ever mend my relationship with Christian?

“Listen, if I kill him, you might get a quick sorry from me. What’s it gonna be? Let this shite go? Or I deid Christian?”

The silence permeating the air scares me more than his threats.

Clan MacKenzie.

But he’s only seventeen, eighteen tops?

Oh, God. I’m ensnared by a practical stranger. Shedding the linen from around my body, I prowl like a lioness from the bed onto the shiny wood floors. Vulnerability clamps my throat as I sidestep the spilled beverages. I murmur, “I was going to tell Christian.”

The cruel one bites back. “Thank me for doing you that favor.”

I search for my bag. Without a word, Camdyn shoots his sharp jaw to the paisley chair across the room.

“I was going to tell him I’m sort of seeing someone.”

“Not sort of. You’re claimed. The lease to your ass belongs to me. Feck that. Owned. Could be your first tat, I’ve been working on my fading.”

I stop short of smacking an ass cheek and offering him to kiss it. I yank up my backpack, turn away from him, and hitch on my next intake of oxygen.

Hillary’s .22.

After a cleansing breath, I still my trembling fingers and search for it. An inhale slams down my lungs. It’s beneath the bikini top and my denim outfit. Relieved, I shove into the bikini top as I’d forgotten undergarments.

Camdyn says, “See you Monday.”

Latching the top, I sneer at him. “Enjoy your last look.”

Settling back with his large hands behind his head, he chuckles softly. “I would’ve rather welcomed you in a classroom with your palms on the edge of the desk. All that ass in my face. I still have faith in us.”

“This cherry’s staying juicy, ripe and untouched.” Commando, I shimmy into my tight black jeans.

“Mmmm.” Camdyn moves one hand from the back of his head and slithers his tongue between two fingers. For the faintest second, I salivate at the sight. It takes a wing, a prayer, a Hail Mary, and the thought of sweet baby Jesus for me not to sprint and offer my sex to his mouth.

“Goodbye,” I mindlessly murmur again, tears biting my eyes. He ruined my sole tie to the human world.

Acrid air creeps up my throat as Camdyn forces me back against the wall. The dark promise in his force and reflected in his eyes paralyzes me. A sinful grin spreads across his face. “We had the conversation about goodbye, Willow. I’ll tell you when I’m fecking done.”