“Open,” he growls.

I bite the tip of his finger, then chew the stupid trail mix.

His sculpted torso shudders with laughter. “You get a pass this time. No girl, guy, nobody fecking touches you. Not until I release you.”

I blink, and he’s mounted me. Beneath the leather jacket, the flesh across my ass, hips, and naked pussy lips stirs.

Camdyn wrangles the beast in his shorts. His cockhead runs the length of my throbbing sex.

“Cam . . .” I shake out.

He looks up to the corner of the yacht as if deep in thought. His face falls onto my shoulder.

“I don’t fecking take orders from anyone,” he growls, breath skittering across my neck.

My pussy stirs. With one hard thrust, I’d skewer myself on his dick.

“What?” I groan, too weak to beg him to pluck my innocence.

“Nothing.” Camdyn removes his face from my shoulder and tucks his cock back into his shorts. He glances up again, off in the distance. “Feck,” he groans.

I look over the railing into utter darkness. Are we racing toward an iceberg? While Camdyn’s only prone to a few emotions, rage and ecstasy, whatever this is is new. I’m missing something.

He sits on his ass. The outline of the thick giganotosaurus rests on the floor.

I sit up, wrap a corner of the duvet around me. It’s grown cold without his touch. “Hello, Cam? I’m coerced to answer your questions or prepare for a zombie apocalypse over my entire body. Why’d you stop?” Stupid, you’re not giving your virginity to this psycho. Why inquire?

His huge hands run the length of his face. “I . . . had a thing this evening.”

The party. Fuck your party. You chose me. I lift a blasé shoulder. “You mentioned as much. Having second thoughts? Take me back on shore then.”


In the blink of an eye, my stomach hydroplanes as Camdyn stands, holding me in his arms.

“Damn, Cam, I hope you don’t fuck as quick.”

Our foreheads kiss, and his breath tickles across my cheeks. Smiling, he retorts, “Didn’t I say you were special, Lolo.”

“Nope. Where are you taking me? I love the serenity out here. I’m not cold anymore.” Hold me.

“Back to the room.”

“I saw a bigger room while you scavenged for food.”

“No.” Finality blares in his tone. Maybe he’s banned from some of the accommodations on his family yacht? Could it be his parents’ bedroom, and he has certain limits? Nevertheless, I’ll become aware of Camdyn MacKenzie’s shameless thoughts once the snake strikes.