My face drops, a burn resonating across my flesh. Camdyn isn’t the enthralling mystery I anticipated unraveling. He’s a no-holds-barred asshole, as evidenced by his response to my mom’s coma. Fresh grief washes over me. Christian was right. I’m not ready to go all the way.

“Stop it.” Camdyn thumbs my jaw, pushing my face up. “I like looking at you.”

“You like my inexperience.”

“Extremely appealing.”

“What, in your opinion, is your appeal to me?” I lengthen my neck. His eyes shine with appreciation at my challenge, and a smile plays on my lips. “Huh, Cam? Since you’re irresistible to every female on the planet.”

“I wasn’t irresistible to you until after we kissed. Here.”

I laugh, accepting the outstretched energy bar. “Thanks.”

While I chew, a gleam dances in his eyes. “Go ahead and say it, Willow. That kiss was everything for you.”

“Mmmm, that kiss . . .” I lift a Jell-O shot, celebratory style. “That kiss was everything . . . for you, conceited bastard.”

Camdyn lifts his own. His laughter stirs the lust pooling deep below.

Concealing my own smile, I let the goo from a second shot glide down my throat. I curl up on the pallet, and I’m surprised when Camdyn readjusts the knit blanket to cover more of my body. He considerately tucks the thick cotton beneath him so that the edges aren’t flapping in the wind. His palms frame my cheeks.

“You’re still cold, Lo. I’m gonna take you back inside.”

“It’s beautiful out here. Why aren’t you cold?” I groan.

Grunting half a response, Camdyn places a protective arm over me. His body heat becomes the finishing touch of contentment. For a while, the untouchable at my side seems less like the boogeyman beneath my bed. I hog most of the blanket. We drink in the night air and admire the heavens.

Sometime later, at the sound of rustling, my heartbeat ceases. Is that a condom? Hurrying to a seated position, I shoot Camdyn a look. Relief dawns across my face. He’s opening a pack of trail mix. The bastard views me as the little goldfish in his bowl again.

Out of the blue, he says, “Lo, I got you at a disadvantage. I’ve studied kissing.”

“YouTube videos?” By now, I want to blame my smile on the vodka shots.

“Nah. Come here, I’ll tell you.”

I crawl over. With his eyes hooded, Camdyn deposits a few bites of trail mix into my mouth. As I chew the sweet, salty nuts and raisins, he speaks in the most hypnotic tone I’ve ever heard. “I’ve always assumed eating pussy is like a kiss.”

“Whatever.” I’m not complimenting his head game. Amazing, though.

“When I watch girls eating out—”

“Ugh, lies?” Camdyn’s planting a subliminal image. I’m out of my element. Damn his mind games.

He runs a hand along the inside of my thigh. “I love this innocent thing you do, eyes as big as my fecking baws.” While his Scottish brogue seeps into the conversation, my pussy trickles in desire.

“I watch one set of lips and a tongue expertly dip inside another cunt.” His thumb finds my mouth, and I suck softly as he moans. “The perfect fecking kiss, Lo.”

“You could,” I pull away from his racy invasion, “have said you watched two lesbians kiss.”

“They aren’t lesbians. They were mine. Like you.”

I grab another Jell-o shot and let it jiggle down my throat. Shit. He’s serious. I’m intimidated.

“I tell an obedient bitch to get another one wetter for me. But you, Lolo, get the red-carpet treatment.”

“You’re nasty.” I close my legs. Now, the obedient bitch thing I refuse to believe.

He glides a salted M&M over my closed mouth, his eyes compelling me to let him in. I won’t. Not for lack of jealousy, no. I’m hotter than Barbados hot sauce envisioning a lifetime of Camdyn’s fucking and controlling.