
Iwant to take the last shred of light emanating from her body and crush it to a bloody pulp. I want to recreate her into something new, precious, mine. But I need restraint because the second she says no, I’ll feel like a fucking dick, and then I’ll follow through with my bad intentions.

She has a boyfriend.

Fuck him. I’m a MacKenzie.

My father sat me at a table with a Scottish history book of torture devices from the Dark Ages to Current Events. I’m versed on a million ways to killa motherfucker. I memorized that. I used the knowledge to check a couple of boxes on a few of Clan MacKenzie’s enemies. I could use every tactic on this Christian dude to see how far they’ve gone.

My instincts say they haven’t fucked.

She’s a virgin. I know it.

I’m at a standing desk in lab class as a million thoughts roam through my mind.

Break her slowly.

I run a hand along the back of my neck. After one night in the basement with an enemy of my clan, I decided to pursue AP Psychology. Though I’d watched thousands of men gutted by that time, there was a difference in the way this guy begged for his life. Or maybe it was because my playlist had stopped working, and I wasn’t in my element. I don’t know. Whatever it was, I was moved to take the psych class. My mind drifts. Music and torture. They are the only thing life is made of. And now, apparently Willow Greene.

“Cam.” Soft fingers run along my back. I grab the silky hand of the culprit, turn around, and glance at another Barbie.

“I’m not in the mood today.”

Dejected Barbie returns to her area.

Amir drops an elbow onto the high counter and glances me over. “I take it we’re not diversifying our portfolio in the Green Room?”

Hell fucking no. I’m playing by Willow’s terms as it is. Once I’m done with her, she’ll be begging me to fuck her. Same as she begged for my mouth on hers in both instances today. Although, I’m a tad ashamed. If my niece Mia dealt with a bastard like me—well, she’s got a bunch of years to go—I’d bury the motherfucker alive. I need to rein in my demeanor with Willow anyway. You don’t take an innocent to the Green Room. She’d be scarred for life.


“You’ve seen the comments, though?”

“Yeah, I’ve seen the fecking comments.” The voyeurs who link up on the dark web beg for fresh meat. There are only so many variations of Barbie available, but Willow Greene’s all mine.

* * *

I’m waiting outside of the science building before the last bell rings, signifying school is over. It’s the spot where I wait for Jamie. I made a couple of mistakes a few months ago, getting me transferred to DuPont Academy. My parents aren’t those pretentious fucks who need their sons—there are seven of us—to attend private schools. But when I got moved, I couldn’t let Jamie stay at our old public school. He’s a social pariah.

During his freshmen year, three dudes jumped him. They would’ve feared the name MacKenzie had he spoken up, but he didn’t. He needs to open his fucking mouth. For the next couple of weeks afterward, one of his bullies couldn’t open his fucking mouth. He had to drink out of a straw. The other bully’s afraid of his shadow. Dude three disappeared off the planet—he lacked family.

Jamie still won’t fucking speak up for himself, despite my hopes. There was a situation at home a couple of months ago, and Jamie was the only guy there. He had to keep the girls safe. I thought he’d come into his own after repeatedly breaking a Louisville Slugger over some asshole’s head. Jamie had his moment, and then he crawled back into his hole. So, on our first day here, I let it be known who he was.

The bell peals, and the sound resonates across the quad. I’ve got my back and one foot planted against the cement wall as students stream out of the building. With my mouth set in a frown, even Delusional and Conceited Barbie steer clear of me.

Where are they?

Soon as thought, my brother, who’s almost six and a half feet tall, comes wandering out. God, save this walking pussy. His shoulders droop. Jamie’s clutching an extra textbook to his chest with even more in the backpack behind him. Looking at him, no one would know he’s Clan MacKenzie. My oldest brother, Brody, has the name the Surgeon. He’s got a signature torture move, The Glasgow Smile. My second eldest, Leith, well, he’s a normal lad, making bank in the tech sector. But he’s not a walking pussy. When shit needs to get done, he does it. Jamie wasn’t born in the wrong family, though. He hasn’t always been like this. I ignore the tightness in my chest at the thought.

“Jamie,” I bark as he moseys on by.

Jamie stops in his tracks and lifts his narrowed, angular face. “Hey, Cam. I’m going home.”

I place my hands on his shoulders. “What do I always tell you?”

“Buck up,” he replies, no bass in his tone. “But we’re at school.”