“Yeah. Not sure how I’ll manage without you. Court’s irreplaceable, too, but thanks for speaking with your cousin for me.”

“Yup,” I reply. My attention is elsewhere.

“Brennan’s here?”

“Nah. He arrives at the end of summer. Not like he gives a fuck about fam anyway.”

“Damn. Will he be dependable?”

“A lot more than River, yup. Long as the money’s good.” With River gunning for a professional career in UFC, he won’t be much interested in illegal fighting. And he pretty much only came because I hounded him. On the other hand, my uncle’s shipping Brennan off from Scotland. That motherfucker will be a super senior next year. Since my parents never found out about the Green Room, they hope this shitty-ass school will straighten him out too. If anything, the hothead may cool down after meeting his equal in one of Amir’s underground matches.

When Amir backs away, my heart stalls as my eyes land on Willow’s lovely dreadlocks swaying over her back. Willow’s talking to two girls, one of them I’ve called a friend for years. Tatum had attended Mrs. Green’s funeral too, but I doubt either of them saw me.

When Tatum whispers, Willow subtly stiffens. Tatum heads toward me. Her arms loop my neck. “Congrats, foo’!”

I drag a hand over my face. “You running interference?”

“Nah. Funny story. Willow’s old track mate, Londyn, is my second cousin. You’ll be a good boy today, American. Dad’s holding my gift for you. Go get her, Tiger. Riv here, though?”

“Yup.” I pat her shoulder. “He’s Team American. Don’t forget that or my gift.”

With a grin, Tatum flips the bird and walks away. A teacher directs everyone to line up, two at a time. I slip in beside Willow. Heart slaughtering my chest, I speak to the woman who will own my heart until the day I die.