
“I’m gonna fucking kill ya!” I growl at Jamie as he exits the bedroom on Willow’s heels. As he says there’s something between them, she’s wiping her forearm across her lips.

He kissed her.

“Lo, I had no idea these motherfuckers . . .” I begin. She shoves at my chest. My arms swoop around her. I’ll forgive the kiss. “Jamie called Court and Amir pretending to be me.”

Trembling in my arms, Willow struggles to speak. “Go enjoy yourself, Cam. Thank God. Of the thousands of images I saw, you wore a condom.”

My brother hates my fucking guts. Hands falling at my sides, I groan, “We need to talk.”

She paces up the stairs with Jamie egging her on. “Get your things.”

I bark, “She’s not fucking leaving with you!”

Five steps up, Willow turns around and shouts, “I’m leaving both of you.”

I surge across the steps and grip the back of her neck, stopping her retreat.

“Camdyn, let me go.”

An elbow flies to the side of my face from Jamie’s direction and a knee from hers. I spin her around, crush her against me. Deflecting my brother’s jab, I snake an arm out. My hand clutches Jamie’s throat. I press him against the railing. “How many times have I warned you, Jamie. She’s mine. Back the fuck down, brother.”

Willow pummels my chest. “Stop it! Cam, he can’t breathe.”

My grip tightens on Jamie. His fingers chew into my wrist. Ignoring the mild irritant, I beg her, “Then come willingly to our room.”

Willow flies off the handle. Her hands scratch and slap my face. “Our room! OUR. ROOM. What’s so special about our room? Huh?”

My face searches the slope of her neck and shoulder, dodging her swats. Riled, my hand tightens harder around Jamie. Willow screeches, “Stop!Let him . . .”

Breath skirting the column of her neck, I sneer. “This little shit has a lesson to learn.”

Willow gasps. “Screw talking, big fat NO!”

Cracking my neck, I extend my arm. Jamie’s lower body lifts over the side of the railing. Then I let his ass go. Perverse satisfaction crackles through me as a yelp rings from about two feet below.

Her fearful, dilated pupils speak volumes. She’s speechless.

“You know how I feel about the word no, Willow. Jamie’s screaming. He better be glad we weren’t at the top of the landing.”

My arms grip beneath the back of her legs, and I haul her body over my shoulder. Her hands assault my spine as I carry her to my room. Outside is utter chaos. I’d threatened any of those motherfuckers to come knocking at my door and warned Amir to get everyone off my property if he valued his life.

I slam the door as a limping Jamie comes running down the hall. He jiggles the locked handle.

“Jamie kissed you!” I turn around, narrowed eyes seeking Willow’s. Their intimate moment is my only defense.

Her eyes shine with fresh tears. She goes for her cellphone. I beat her to it, gripping the iPhone in my hand and dropping it into the top dresser drawer.

“We are talking.” I wriggle my jaw, attempting to stave off the animal.

Willow’s thick lips pinch together.

“Lo, I can’t live without you.” I toss a fist at my bare chest. “Clearly, my fucking kid brother’s been busy. Kissing you, planning parties, showing you . . .” What all did he show you?

“You can’t live without me?” Willow mocks, tossing a couple of beautiful dreadlocks away from her flushed, tear-streaked face. “Why would I want to be with you, Camdyn? The biggest hoe in the universe.”