
“You’re a fucking idiot,” I grit out the second the chicks strut away.

“It was a joke.” River’s head drops. The long black hair on top falls over his face.

I pull at my beer. “Your poor ass has a nest egg for Tatum’s necklace. Then you’re on your knees for Mr. Li when Tatum would most readily be on her knees for you.”

A storm flits over River’s face while he climbs to his feet.

In disinterest, I pull the ballistic knife from my back pocket. “Bro, check yourself. I’ll stab ya, and then say I love you like clan.”

With a grunt, River reaches over to grab the hamburger from my plate. “This is mine now.”

“Dude, that’s my line.”

He shrugs, shoving the burger in his mouth. He holds up a finger, grabs a beer, washing it down. “I can’t have Tatum. Not until I’m ready to settle down.”

“Ya know, when you and those people did a home invasion at Li’s, all of y’all got your asses handed to you. The old guy could’ve written you off like the rest of ‘em. I’m sure he’s good with you holding her hand at dinner.”

Rolling his eyes, River retorts, “You know who my family is, Cam. I’m just distancing myself from them.”

My head tilts. River’s always distancing himself from his family. You’d think foster care would be therapeutic for someone like him—who had to have supervised visits with those fuckers as a kid.

“Little Bit, I mean, Tatum and I have all the time in the world. Can I say the same for you and the girl you just told thousands of followers you’re in love with?”

Still high off declaring my feelings, I snap, “What we got is indestructible.”

“You get rid of those videos?”


“No creep, cult fuck sessions?”

I toss a glance over my shoulder. With no sign of the girls, I say, “Before Court added glimmer shields over faces online, you were grabbing a mask, fucking in the Green Room too. Don’t give me that cult bull.”

“Look at me, bro!” The side of his fist pops onto the wood table. “I could give a fuck about a sex tape. I get no complaints from—”

“What sex tape?” The girls ask in unison.

Now, I promised myself, after a year together, that I’d be one hundred percent honest. We’re only two months solid. No truth serum here.

“You haven’t seen it?” I don’t miss a beat, arching a brow, while horror flashes over River’s face. “The Marvel actor. Weren’t you and Tatum getting freaky in the lake, watching him bone a bitch?”

“No.” Tatum drops a pitcher of lemonade on the table, stiff-jawed, reading through my bullshit.

Willow offers her a soft smile. I assume Willow believes Tatum’s still pissed about River dropping the L-word for the sake of pussy.

Tatum’s eyes flicker over to mine for a fraction of a second. She snaps, “I’m going home.”

River hops up.

“Lolo,” Tatum pauses from stepping back a few paces, “you got my number?”

“Yup. You guys will be out here all weekend, right?”

Tatum nods as River places a friendly arm over her shoulder, and they disappear along the side of the house.