
I’d spoken with Li, pretending to be a friend from Tatum’s school, so he’d allow her to leave the hotel room. Similar to my dad, Li would be more at ease with another female. Although tiny like his daughter, Li was intimidating. Every surface of his skin is ropy with muscles in places I hadn’t expected there to be muscles—and I once loved sports. When he finally spoke, I was surprised by his compassionate nature.

Now, as if taken back by my presence, Tatum watches me. We’re standing near a mosh pit in what looks to be a crappy auto mechanic garage. The blackout lights from the party add a paranormal hue to her impossibly narrow black eyes. “You and Cam are a thing now, huh?”

“Yup. He’s Thing One, I’m Thing Two,” I grumble, waiting for the next illegal cage fight. “A packaged deal.” Now, don’t give me any lip, tiny one.

“I, uh, doubted you’d last till daylight last time I saw you.”

My eyes roll at her honesty. “I got bitten. I’m a vampire now. So, depending on your stance, glass empty or glass full, I didn’t last.” Though I was polite as southern pecan pie of the sweetest caliber with her father, I add spice to my tone speaking to her.

Her mouth tenses, and she nervously jerks a jean-clad leg before saying, “I’m sorry about your mom. Mine died when I was thirteen. First time Riv ever spoke to me.”

Maybe if her truth came a week ago, a day ago, this would be a bonding moment. Hell, this morning. Any time before my father became conductor of the railroad that blazed straight through my heart. Not here for a heart-to-heart, I nod.

Camdyn clasps a hand around my center, guiding me against his hard body.

“Drink this.” He reaches around to place a cup to my mouth.

“Nope. My palate’s too refined for beer.”

“Bum wine.” Tatum pulls a vibrant blue bottle of Mad Dog 20/20 from her hoodie. The hypnotic elixir has my name blazed across it.

“That cheap shit?” Camdyn pulls me back a few paces.

Tatum quips, “One day, this cheap shit will be the anchor to all my warm, fuzzy memories. I see it now, me walking into a liquor store and this nostalgic MD sitting pretty. I’ll think back to how po’ I was . . .”

“Thanks.” I laugh. The music blaring through the speakers changes as I take a waterfall of the sugary drink. “Not too shabby.”

“Lo,” Camdyn pulls the bottle from my lips, “that bottle of rotgut will creep up on a lightweight like you.”

“Give it back.” I run my hand along his chest.

A cocky eyebrow lifts up. “Afraid to take it?”

My silly smile is answer enough. Camdyn captures my wrists, pausing my fingers’ pursuit of his taut chest.

Holding the bottle high, out of reach, Camdyn leans in and brushes a light kiss at my throat. He’d hurt me earlier. Now, he’s my person again. The dark/mysterious and light/dependable fusion has me on a natural high.

“Take it.” Camdyn flashes a devilish, sharp as a knife smile. Delicious heat spreads through me as I glance away. Then I play into his trap. As I jump, Camdyn holds the bottle out to the side, farther away, and watches my chest.

“Hand it over, party pooper.” Tatum manhandles the bottle from him, flicking her wrist. “Go find Riv. Maybe pray together before his match. The guy he’s fighting looks like an ox. The fucktwad might crush Riv’s bones.”

“I’ll save your man, Stubby.” Camdyn poises his hand into a gun before heading off.

I lose him in the crowd. Since this underground fight’s not coordinated well, we’ve been waiting for the next round a while now. I turn to Tatum. “So, your father had you guys in a tournament earlier?”

“Yeah.” She runs a hand through her crinkly hair.

“You win any matches?” I cock a brow. Or does your tiny ass suck?

“Yup. Featherweight. Riv’ s a beast too.” While riding the balls of her feet in a pair of Converses that aren’t much help, she glances around. Worry flashes over her dark face.

“So, the big guy, you think River can’t take him? It’s an,” I pause from blurting illegal. My brain is a fog of confusion from earlier. River had tournament matches earlier. Why fight again tonight?

“River will win.” Tatum takes the cheap liquor straight to the head. She holds out the bottle. In no time, a feel-good buzz creeps across my skin.