“Damn, Speed Racer, when they suspended your license and chopped it into bits, I heard your heart break. Cam, tell me, does it still hurt?”

“Heh, I don’t need a license to drive. I just don’t feel like borrowing one of your neighbors’ rides tonight.” He winks.

“One day, your ass is gonna understand the concept of consequences, you little thief.”

“Tsk, take that back, Chevelle. I thought we were friends.”

Chuckling, I start to place the expensive whiskey back into the slot, then mumble, “I’m not letting this go to waste. Forget shot glasses. Can you reach those plastic cups on the top shelf? Leith thinks everyone can reach them.”

“Damn, now I recall why you’re my favorite sister-in-law.” With ease, Camdyn plucks the red Solo cups from up high, then follows me from the wine cellar.

“First of all, I’m your only sister-in-law. Second, who says the third cup is yours? I might have a cup in my left and right hand while drinking with Erika.”

* * *

Ten minutes later,Camdyn, Erika, and I are seated at a stone table on the far side of the deck. The salty wind feels good against my shoulders as Camdyn stacks up the wooden Jenga blocks into a tower.

“Let’s make this fun,weans,” Erika suggests. “We’re playing two truths and a lie.”

“Weans?” I glare, remembering how she never made it easy for me to like her.

“Who’s going first?”

I open up my mouth, but Camdyn shrugs. He can sense the unresolved tension between us and sacrifices himself, saying, “I’ll go. I’ve wrecked two Honda Accords. I’ve had four broken bones. I’ve been bitten by a viper.”

“Easy, no snake bite,” I reply.

Moonlight glints off Erika’s attentive green eyes. “I’m gonna agree with Chevelle. We can’t have the lass be the only one sloshed when the guys return.”

“How are you certain I’m wrong?” I demand. “Besides, it takes a lot to get me drunk. I’m a bartender, remember.”

“Och,yewere. I remember.”

Oh, so now, I’m just a housewife?Leveling her a stony glower, I tip back the whiskey straight from the bottle. Already irritated with us arguing, Camdyn groans, checking off the names of broken bones with his finger. “Had an ankle fracture after a motorcycle accident, broke my arm, twice, dirt bike riding.”

Erika seizes the bottle straight from my lips and guzzles it down.

Frustrated by his ignored attempt to keep the peace, Camdyn mutters, “With you broads doing all yourlip flapping, I’m the one who needs this most.” He delivers the same impatient treatment to Erika by snatching the bottle and dominating it.

“Feckye, laddie. Now,witwas it?” she asks.

After taking the bottle to the head, Camdyn runs the back of his hand along his mouth. “The two of you need to listen. Neither one of your asses has balls. Calm the fuck down. My friend had a pet viper. That bitch got me good.”

“See, we were wrong.” Erika stares at me, finally pouring ample shots into the cups.

After a while, the stars bleed into each other like tiny rays of shooting light. I’m enjoying our banter or lack thereof. Whereas Camdyn is usually polite to the general female population, he’s not so much with Erika. And that is why I give him premium alcohol when he goes to hang out with friends.

A euphoric feeling tingles through my veins when Erika holds up the bottle, a quarter of alcohol left. The three of us have had our fill of the poison. The effects finally catch up to us.

“Alright, yebawbags, last round of two truths . . . and . . . um, a lie.” Erika slurs. “One, my weapon of choice is this here.” Failing at an attempt to lift her foot onto the patio table, she leans over. “Feckit!” She pulls off the leather bootie to show a silver-studded stiletto.

“Well, that has to be true.” Camdyn laughs tipsily.

“Yup, she’s a bitter ass woman,” I mumble.

“Two, I’m a lesbian. Or lastly,” she snarls, staring at me accusingly. “I’m in love with my best friend,who snuck off and got married.”

Chapter 10