I pull out my wallet and toss a few dollars in his lap.

Camdyn’s white row of teeth shine. “Now, you’re speaking my language, Leith. Though, I would’ve done it for free. Watching my sister-in-law’s ass as she sashays around the house is enough payment for—”

Brody grips me about the waist as my fist glides toward Camdyn.

“Ohhh, fight!” Mia stops staring at the television. Erika and Chevelle are coming from the kitchen with a bottle of wine. My wife cocks a brow, and I pat the top of Camdyn’s head. Leaning down near his ear, I whisper, “Keep breathing, American.”

Chapter 8


A few minutes later,Brody and I stand at the trunk. He leans in to get a good look at the stiff. Jiang’s body is curled in a ball.

“Och,boke!”He wriggles his nose, pretending to gag. “Withappened?”

“Thefeck’sit look like?”

“Who’s theeejit?”

“Nae. I can assureye the lad was quite smart, well, on paper.” I shrug my shoulders.

“I assume so. Or he didna go down after that clean shot to his brain.”

I roll my eyes. Da trained us to go for the kill shot. So, Brody’s taking a stab at how I shot Jiang in the knee first. “It’s a mess. My mess.”

“Well, I’m bloodyfeckin’here, aren’t I?” Brody snaps.

“So, wit?”

“So? Ye’re a MacKenzie, Leith.Ye can go around chumming it up with university scholars. Then whenshitegoes south, ye come to me, not go it alone. I’m yerbrathair!”

“I know!”

“Ye rang Erika.”

“First of all, I reached out to ye.” I get into his face, glaring hard at him. “Dinnamake me seem like I’m not for thefeckin’clan, Brody. I rang ye. No answer. I asked Erika for cement, so I’m not tied to the purchase of such. That’s all. Second, and I hope this is bloody clear, I still dinnaneed help!”

“Whatever, Leith, I’m helping whetherye want it or not. Moreover, if ye missed the glint in Camdyn’s eyes, ourbrathairwould’ve lent a hand or a knife. Aye, whatever ye prefer.” He runs a hand through his hair.

“Nae, the American is seventeen, afeckin’kid.”

Brody shrugs. “Cam will be an even better lad than me one day.Shite, I can admit that. Da trained us all as wee ones. The second we learned to walk, we knew right from wrong, and we knew the drill. Leith, tell me what the wee lad in yer trunk did to piss ya off?”

I shake my head.

“Okay, so we put ‘emin a cement block, toss him in the ocean. Tell me later. I’ll wait.”

“Brody,I’mputting this bitch in a cement block.I’mtossing hisarsein the ocean.Me!”I slap a hand to my chest. “I was just showin' ye.Ye wanted in my business like a dusty, auld hag. Now, ya know.”

He chortles. “What the bloodyfeckdo I know, Leith? Deid Chinaman in an expensive suit. Explain it to me, since I’m apparently dusty,old—wait that’s not what yer wife said to me last—”

My fist rockets straight to his mouth. Aye, eejit move. I shake my aching knuckles as Brody spits a bit of blood, laughing.

“Mybrathair’sback!” Brody holds his arms wide.


“Nae.I assumed Chevelle took a cleaver to yerbawswhen ye married.”