Your brother is fine as hell, but I hate him.“No,” I laugh. “I’ve learned my lesson.”

“Too bad. I’ve yet to start teaching ye.”

“Hello, I complimented your brother. I dubbed him Bitch Ass Brody for the first two years of our marriage. This is an improvement.”

“Ye still refer to him as such on occasion, hen. And I detest that. Yer mouth is too bonny for it.” He opens the passenger door for me. On guard, I grin while sliding inside.

When Leith rounds the car to get in, I speak. “Back to business. How are we so sure we’ll be in the clear? We could be headed straight to jail.”

“I took a move outta Yate’s playbook.”


“Douglas, hen.” He gestures. “Thearseholewho I hacked into wee, unidentifiable pieces, Chevelle. I wasfeckin’dedicated.”

“Skip the graphics, please,” I say, snipping each word.

“Wit? Nobody’s finding him. Besides, I tapped into the database used for the fire department. The investigation at our home was unofficially closed as a gas leak, pending a discussion with the homeowners.”

“That was quick thinking, your telling Hilda to watch the house, Leith. But you must’ve almost given her a heart attack when you said Mia didn’t go with us.”

“Had to,” Leith replies, reversing the car. “She may have recalled seeing someone the day of the fire. So, hen, ye won’t slip up on us?”

“Nope. This will be practice for this weekend.”

My husband’s fingers glide through my own. He doesn’t have to ask me. My small smile signifies how I’ll be ready to kill Fausto and Ophelia Kelly.

Chapter 62


In the past,I was wrapped up in giving my weeweanand wife the best and went too far. My Mia sees me as a walking piggy bank. A year ago, her bragging rights would have proven that I was successful apart from my clan. That just made me a particularlynumptynugget. Now, I’ve learned the error of my ways. I’ll meet my wife in the middle and raise our bairn to have a good head on her shoulders.

But tonight, we live like the kings we were meant to be. Like the MacKenzies before we depended on the McFarlands, which was over ahunneryears ago. I paid for a grand event, glittery smoke and mirrors, which’ll be hosted at Mam’s and Chevelle’s favorite restaurant. I’d rented out an entire room, and my clan will eat like David I, the greatest king of Scots.

In a teal bespoke suit, I glance at Chevelle through the dresser mirror. She’s surrounded by all the bonnyshitemeant to adorn her body. A pink silk dress falls along the curves of her lower back andarse. From the reflection in the mirror, I see diamonds straight from Tiffany’s sparkle in her ears. She drops a dangly necklace that skims along the swell of her breasts, reaching behind her to clasp it.

“I remember the first time you stood there staring at me, Leith.” Chevelle lets me take the necklace from her hands. “You were so crazy.”

While latching it, I ask, “Och, I’m sane now?”

“Youare,Leith. You areso crazy. But we were twenty. We had driven past here on our way to my old apartment. You had me believe that we were sneaking into an open house.”

“Dinna remind me of it.”

“The open house or my old apartment?” She giggles.

I give herthelook. Through the mirror's reflection, Chevelle’s a breathtakingly beautiful sight. My fingertips trail over her shoulders, placing kisses on every inch of her exposed skin. As my hands glide over her curves, her breathing increases. I sink my teeth into the pulse at her neck.

“Ouch!” Chevelle hisses.

I lick the area where I just applied hurt, and she melts into my erection. “The apartment, hen. Dropping ye off and returning to MIT—that had me off myfeckin’heid.”

Chevelle’s hands press onto mine as I squeeze at her breasts. She kisses my knuckles, saying, “Well, you atoned for it, Leith. You bought this tiny-ass house.”

“I thought ye favored this home over the other one?”

She smiles. “Eh, in comparison to the monstrosity that’s now in ashes, yes. Besides, it was only tiny when I was lost in my thoughts while you were in Massachusetts.”