At the jingle of Victor’s belt, my sex goes off like a firecracker, constricting and contorting with need. Victor plants a hand on the headboard and looks down at me. “We’ve not acted on our primal urges as aggressively as we had in the past, albeit, it only takes one instance. Are you on the pill, Little One?”

Eyes flaring, I utter, “Oh my gosh, I haven’t taken anything. I’ve only focused on making you-know-who pay.”

“Good. If you’re not pregnant, we can make that happen. If that’s alright with you, Luxury.” He stacks my thighs over his hips.

“Before you do,” I cut in. The look Victor gives me could stop my friggen heart forever, but I giggle instead of killing over. “Sorry, I’m nosy. You looked a little happier than usual upon entering and before the sobbing sesh.”

“Lux,” he warns.

“Okay. I’ll never mention that again.” I lick my lips as Victor pushes my dress up. His thumb languidly follows the curve of my clit.Although my breathing is now heavy with desire, I murmur, “You just look happy. Did it settle in? What we’ve done.”

While a single digit pursues tiny, pulsing orgasms, Victor says, “I saw my father just now.”

“What?” I gasp. My thighs attempt to slide shut, but the hunk of monster between them won’t allow it.

“He’s alive, Luxury.”

“Oh, thank God. I can’t—”

“Have me murdering my own father if I’m to be a father one day?” He cocks a delicious brow. “One day, as in now, if you’ll stop your incessant need for a chin-wagging.”

I nod, resting my thighs around his lean hips again. This time, we’re not under the compulsion to touch each other’s bodies but genuinely listen to one another. I add, “Granted, I made your father’s survival all about the fact that he got us out of Saudi Arabia—”

Victor chuckles. “That was his sole argument.”

“By your tone, you don’t believe Silas helped us?”

“Well . . . in the desert a month back, I might’ve been inclined to . . .”

“I get it, baby.” I feather my fingers through his dark hair and reach up to press my mouth to his. “You’re a royal again.”

“Again.” Victor’s steely abdomen crushes my chest as he laughs. “I suppose a ‘thank you’ is in order.”

“You’re welcome. I reclaimed your title, Duke of Arlington. Now, I don’t mind you begrudging your father for the rest of your life, but I suspect the truth of him arriving in Saudi Arabia and signing a friggen paper is wedged between your reality and his, Vic. Anyway, I made you pinkie swear based on us leaving Saudi Arabia alive. But I thought that,” my gaze lowers, nerves threaded at the thought, “I wouldn’t want to have a child with a man who murdered his father.”

Victor growls while reaching down to run his mouth over the bend of my neck. “Damn, I threatened to murder him if I saw him outside these walls or the monarchy.”

“Well, maybe one day you’ll get along, Victor. Now, kiss me.”

“That’s precisely what I intend to do, Luxury. To kiss you a trillion times. I had this notion the first time I saw you sleep.” Victor’s breathing skips against the freckles on my shoulder. With each word, his mouth falls over my skin, leaving my flesh taut, agonized, and desperate. “That I’d kiss all your freckles. Now that we’ve dropped all pretenses.”

“Excuse me. You weren’t claiming me.”

“Ahem, I was speaking.” Harsh teeth nip at the junction between my neck and shoulder.

Though pain and adrenaline douse through my veins, I squeak, “Victor, we areequals!”

His mouth is against my skin, words muffled with a smile. “Not in bed, remember?”

My fingernails chew into his forearms as I glare him in the eye. Victor unzips his pants, aligns his cock with my slit, and slithers over the tender folds until he’s collected a reservoir of my desire. “Dowehave a problem, Little One?”

“Ye . . . no . . . no problem.” My tone melts into desire, and my hips rock upward to pursue his dick.

Victor teases me, gliding into my honey an inch at a time. “I’ve never known such satisfaction as I do while holding you in my arms, nor do I deserve it.”

“Ohhhh, yes, you deserve it.” I gasp, unable to do anything but sing Victor’s praises and try to spearmewithhim.

“But for you, my Luxury, I will be a bloody good bloke.” Finally, Victor’s massive cock is fully seated inside of my core. “No more tragedy for us, Little One. Now, let’s make a baby, yeah?”