“You said you weren’t going to kill me. Tonight, you’ll cease your depraved pastime, will you not?”

Sitting forward in my chair, I grit out, “That’s why I’m here. I’m marrying the woman I once treated like shite. I will be a better man to her as God is my witness.”

“Oh . . . God?” His brow kicks.

“You will not be invited to our nuptials. You will not set your filthy gaze on your grandchildren.” I pause to cork half a smile. “You know, I could imagine Mother bawling her fucking eyes out if I were having such a conversation with her.”

Silas nods. “Oh, the pretty princess would cry and faint.”

“I don’t want you in my life. I never did.”

“I thought I excelled at that portion of your verbal stipulation already.”

I point at him. “Allow me to make this crystal clear to you, Father. If I see you and it’s not at your mother, The Queen’s insistence,Iwillkill you.”

“You may try, Victor.”

“I will.” Arising, I brush down the lapel of my suit, and because I’m livid, I add, “You might want to know, your mother offered me your titles.”

And just like that . . . I get the rise out of my father that I expected. The envy I craved.Silas pitches his glass into the fireplace. The contained flames lick wildly in an explosion before the fire is restricted to a constant crackle once again. As heat swirls around us, Silas points his cigar in my direction. “You lie, Victor! I’m no longer a disappointment to my mum.”

“I assure you,” I cut in, irritating him with my brisk demeanor, “you are and always will be.”

“What I did for you in Saudi Arabia . . . I saved your life! What you did afterward in returning is because of me. I taught you, Victor.”

“I’ll grab a few of your servants,” I say at the door. “Have them come in to remind you of your importance a time or two. How does that sound?”Oh, Vicky, now you’re just being a dick.I wink, closing the door. It’s no matter. My father’s shouting carries straight through the wood.

“I taught you everything you know, VICTOR TUDOR! You came from me.Notthe other way around!”

While distance drowns out my father’s screeches, I stroll back through the labyrinth of corridors to seek out the one my soul loves.



At the sound of the door opening, I rouse awake and gasp at the sight of Sarah fondly running her hand through my hair.

“I’m so sorry,” I murmur, repressing a yawn. “Who was talking when I went to sleep? Me or you?”

“My dear, you were midsentence. But we’ll reconvene later.” She slides out of the high-partition bed, gesturing to Victor, who’s asking if he should come back.

“Keep quiet, Vicky. The chit requires sleep for the baby.”

The baby? Does Sarah believe I’m still pregnant from the discussion at the table? Or does she sense that . . .

Am I pregnant again?

In shock, my trembling fingers fall over my belly as Victor stutters my sentiments. His legs appear to give out. And the giant favors the edge of the bed, sinking into a seated position. Sarah softly closes the doors behind her while I scoot up, backing against the headboard. I try to peer over Victor’s shoulder as his back is to me. I mumble, “You’re crying?”

“Bollocks. Real men don’t cry. I saw that sticker on the door across from Urban Gardenswhile stalking you.”

Although tired,I muster a smile. “Real men cry, Victor. And if-if I’m pregnant, that won’t be a fallacy my children learn—whether we have a son or daughter.”

Over six feet of raw muscles turn to address me. Air catches in my throat as I drink in sparking indigo eyes and a face that’s taut, contoured, and perfectly chiseled.

As always, Victor’s British accent sends spasms over my throbbing walls. “Alright, I’ll not teach our children such a shameful statement. Does it appear as if I were crying?”

I chuckle. “Yup.” Instantly, I regret it. In the blink of an eye, he attacks me. Fingers scrub over my ribs until I’m stuttering, laughing, and begging him to stop.