I’m sure by the time the ink is dried on said contract, the head of my security will have gleaned all of the young lady’s past indiscretions. If we have any issues with her in the future, the woman will look fit for an insane asylum.

“Good call.” I nod my head.

Burt inclines himself as if to place a kiss on Sarah’s cheek and then thinks better of it. A few whispered words are shared between them while I turn away.I’ll never get used to that.

I’ve approached the door when my mother stops me.While my primary mission is redemption, Luxury’s emotional well-being comes in as a close second. I speak first, my tone cold.“Mary, I must see about my fiancée.”

I glare into her tear-stained eyes, waiting for the usual fainting spell, but Mother nods.“Victor, son, I understand. Go to her. I cannot express . . . I would never have—”

“Finish your groveling, bird.” Sarah slips past the two of us. “I’ve a word of consolation for our Luxury.”

Since Luxury doesn’t have a mother figure, I nod, comforted that my grandmother will go to her.

Cleaving my bottom lip through my teeth, I await my mother’s excuse.

Mary sucks in a shaky inhale, then cries,“I never protected you!”

Her words floor me. All six fucking feet. I settle myself on thepaisleysetteenear the door. All this time, the Queen had more of an empathetic bone in her body than my own mum. Although, tonight, Grandmummy was colder than ice in December.

I clear my throat and glance at my mother.“No, you did not.”

“You safeguarded your brother and me when your father forgot himself on a few occasions, although he was never prone to physically abusing me.”

“No.Just me.”

“His first son.” A contemplative hand strokes her hair. “Silas was . . . different while I was pregnant with you. He wanted a girl.”

My brow flicks. “I was born the wrong sex, really? Did the arsehole forget that his mother was the reigning monarch and that abhorring hisfirstchild,who was alsohis son,was a trifling pastime?”

“Oh, Vicky, I’m not making excuses for him or myself. I’ve no idea what I’m attempting to infer. I swear that if you forgive me, and L—”

“Luxury forgives you,” I grit out. “She just said so.”

“Oh . . . I thought . . .”

I snicker. “That my fiancé was spouting off meaningless platitudes? She isnotyou.”

The princess settles at my side with a sigh. “I deserve that. Well, if given a chance, I will offer your fiancée the same affections that my mum, Sarah, has.”

“I must go, Mother.” I’m not particularly interested in bridging the abyss between us at the moment.

I stalk out of the dining room and down the vast Somerhaven corridors. At the door to the bedroom I’ll share with Luxury tonight, her soft laughter peals through the air.

“Momma said it was in the struggle that a butterfly gains her wings.”

Thoughtful, Grandmother Sarah inhales. “Lovely. I must tell myknitting mates tostitch us a few sweaters.”

“Hmmm, knitting? Sarah, aren’t you a bit young for that pastime. Ayoungeighty-two—”

“You are mistaken, sweetheart. I’m ayoungtwenty-eight.” Sarah pats Luxury’s shoulder.

I stand at the door, quietly laughing at Grandmother’s deception.Her and that bloke, Burt, who I cannot harm.

This is bloody different.

New, even.

I’ve never laughed so soon after claiming a life. I eavesdrop a few seconds more, deciding Grandmother Sarah was precisely what my woman needed.But what of the one last issue we have,I ask myself.