“I cannot stay here a second longer.”

“Victor, what do you mean? You’re no prisoner. Your grandmother is allowing you a moment to gather your thoughts.”

Allow?My eyelid twitches. “Maddy, come off it. Had I known you were delusional, I would’ve parted ways with you eons ago. I will never be in love with you. Get that through your thick skull.”

Tears well in her brown eyes.

“Think, Maddy! Who offers a contract for a woman’s hand in marriage?”

Our marriage was always supposed to be for convenience, as I chose that it would be right in the eyes of my duchy. I wouldn't require any more children. Not after Jude. Not with Madeline. We're closer to forty. There had been no need to be a father again.

Now, Luxury is pregnant. Only death can stop me from being there for her and our child. A pang of guilt consumes me as I realize why Luxury hadn’t told me. She’s sensitive, empathic. I’ve never mentioned Jude. I thought we had more time for that. It was her nature not to intrude, and she wasn’t sure how to tell me she was expecting.

My stern eyes stare through Madeline’s tears as I lock my hands about her neck. “Your keys or your lifeandyour keys. Your choice, Maddy.”

Her slim fingers attempt to work their way beneath my cruel gesture. She struggles to speak. “Victor, I know that more times than not, you do not prefer advice, but as one of your longest friends—”

“What car did you drive?” I ask as my firm grip intensifies like iron.

That aggravating voice of hers comes out all the more forced. She now tugs in gasp-fulls of air. “The navy-blue convertible Mini Cooper.”

I tighten more.

The pulse thumping beneath my palms stalls.

And Ialmostkill the fool I once considered a friend. When she’s lost enough oxygen to pass out, I let her insensible body slip from my fingers and onto the floor. Madeline whimpers awake as I search the bookshelves. I find the latch and breathe out heavily. “That was the last gesture of kindness, old friend. You call any further attention to me, and you will not live to regret it.”



Clear blue skies extend forever, and the sun sparkles across blistering, white dunes. I’m sandwiched between Ahmad and Hadiyah in the backseat of an all-white Maybach, balling my hands into fists for so long that my knuckles ache. With every mile we’ve traveled from civilization, I lose a little more hope.

Sometime later, a mirage takes form off in the distance.

A gilded palace glimmers, transforming into a solid surface. Pillars swell into the evening sky. I try focusing on my surroundings, yet my eyes stay transfixed on my final destination in a depressed daze. This place is a fortress.

I’ll never escape.

Vic will certainly not find me.

As my gut churns, the vehicle comes to a stop. Ahmad’s the first to exit, extending a hand for me, and my glare rolls over his open palm. The driver comes to open the door for Hadiyah.

“I’ve a few sisters to visit,” she tells me, “then I will come check on you.”

Her hand falls on my shoulder for the briefest moment before she slides out of the opposite side. Ignoring Ahmad’s gesture, I rise out of the Maybach on my own. Once out, I’m only capable of small steps in the tight silk robe that extends down to my feet. There’s no stretch to the expensive material. I contemplate how I’ll run now that Hadiyah has already hurried down a long passage toward the immense doors.

“We must hurry,” Ahmad says, holding out a hand. His eyes spark with a worry I have never seen.

I yank away.

“The sandstorm,” he warns, pointing into the distance.

As soon as said, the first bits of sand lash harshly at my ankles.“I don’t give a fuck about a sandstorm!” I shout, stopping dead in my tracks. This is my final destination. The farther I go into this world, the greater the likelihood of not getting back to mine.

My knees cave at the thought of never seeing love's true face again. Before I can crumple into the lava-like sand, Ahmad grips my waist. He pulls me toward one of the archways that line the courtyard, shielding me from the sand. My body plasters against his, face embedded into his thick, hard chest. His large body shields my bare arms. But my ankles take the beating of a lifetime as sand swooshes around at full force.

I close my eyes and imagine Victor holding me. His strong arms and rock-hard body are the fortress that keeps me safe. The tears are gone but would have dried instantly if they could have fallen freely. A short time later, the land stills. Ahmad murmurs, “I’m sorry for touching you, Ms. Luxury,” and steps away.