“Let me explain . . .” the older man backs away.

“No need,” Victor replies, slowly advancing on him.

Burt backs into Sarah’s room. Oblivious to the scene unfolding in front of her, Victor's grandmother flirts with Burt as he shushes her. Victor moves around my outstretched hands, deaf to my words.

“Victor, your grandmother is a grown-ass woman. You need tostop.” I catch up with him, and my hand clasps a portion of his massive bicep.

“The love birds!” Sarah exclaims, bejeweled fists pumping the air.

“Grandmother, what is the meaning of this? You, Burt—”

“Victor.” I connect gazes with him, attempting to signal the importance of keeping up pretenses. Sarah catches on.

“Oh, I’m so glad you’ve come, but I’m fine.” Her tone is weak, imploring. However, her mouth twists into a smile, and she looks at the empty open door before offering a wink.

“Come off it.” Victor pinches the bridge of his nose. “Howdid this happen?”

“I don’t think you want to know.” Her voice is light, carefree, boasting sexual undertones.

Victor snaps, lunging for Burt as I grab at him again.

“Oh, alright,” Victor hisses.

“Luxury, you’ve tamed the brute.” Sarah nods.

“You are on thin ice.” I cut in, pointing a finger at her.

“What?” Innocent eyes widen. “Actually, boys, run along. Vicky, you’re to behave yourself.”

As Victor and Burt mope out of the room, I drop a hand on my hip.

“Luxury, my dear, are you ready for Madeline and Princess Mary to pay?”

Dry air clogs my throat.

Did Mary actually assist Madeline that night in—

“For the party, Luxury.” Sarah sighs as if bringing me up to speed. “Nobility shuns outward displays of conflict. If one’s vision digresses from another, they will not discuss it amongst outsiders. Mary broke the rules. She aided Madeline in that engagement hogwash.”

“Sarah . . .” I slowly find the seat behind me. We hadn’t given Sarah information surrounding why we requested her help. Perhaps she’d gotten too nosey during alone time with Burt. Maybe he appeased her by saying the silly engagement was why we had a bone to pick?

I contemplate the dinner, and my blood pressure goes from hypertension to postmortem status in a half-second.Everyone will be at the dinner. Sarah. Graham. They’ll all know . . . know what happened with Al Rafi.

“Do not doubt correcting their behavior, Luxury. The second you put on that ring, you became my granddaughter-in-law. I will protect you.”

But I’m consumed with the idea of murdering Madeline.

I take a measured breath as we talk about vastly diverging topics.

Sarah reaches over to the nightstand to remove a golden flask. “My bones still shake at the thought ofthat womanagreeing to strip Victor of his duchy. See, I cannot speak ill of the old hag in public. Mary made a grave mistake hosting the party. I’d dare say the Queen will have an upset stomach by tomorrow morning, too.”

As she chuckles, I say, “I don’t understand.”

“The chef has been advised to add asafeamount of poison to their food. Not ours, doll.”

“So-so the Queen’s attending tonight?”

With a wink, Sarah adds, “That’s right, honey. Burt doesn’t even know I invited the old wench. She’s in this too.”