“He was not the culprit. When you were a little girl, he did not sexually harm her.” I let the tenderness of my tone and my choice of words settle around us.

“How do you—”

“Because, Luxury.”Because I tortured him.“When Eugene came over that day, Gina was honest about having taken a lover. She cautioned Eugene that Charles would return momentarily.”

That was definitely Gina’s mistake.

“So, what happened next?” Luxury whispers. All the while, my impatient mother calls out to me and curses the driver for attempting to steer her away.

“Eugene was in the army, Luxury. The probability of defending herself, sweetheart, was less than zero. Eugene used Gina’s statement against her. He bludgeoned her on the head and tied her up. Took her keys and left.”That psychotic arsehole said he wanted more time to talk with Gina, to change her mind about breaking her marriage vows.

“Burt said based on Paul’s investigation that Eugene returned. He returned after dark?”

“Luxury, he was watching your mother. He knew Jonah had left with luggage that morning. Eugene said he’d felt it was his duty to keep an eye on her when Jonah was out of town. To keep her safe. He knew your father wouldn’t be back. So once—”

“Uncle Red returned with sandwiches. She was alive, and h-he could’ve saved her. But he gave up,” Luxury grumbles, though not harboring any ill will toward the chap. “Momma was alive when Uncle Red left.”

I search her over for a moment and am content that the truth hasn’t adversely affected her. Finally, I mutter, “Exactly. Eugene left her tied up, gagged her. Luxury, I-I’m trying to spare you from anything more.”

“And I’m telling you, if you don’t finish the story, I will.” She starts to wrench the engagement ring around her finger.

“I very damn well swear, Luxury,” I grit out. “You will use this conversation as fuel then.”

“I will!”

“Eugene begged your mum to ask God’s forgiveness and return to your father. After enduring war—”

“Enduringwar! What the hell, Victor?” Luxury stops fidgeting with her fingers to shove my chest.

“Yes! War. Murder changes people. I will not attest to his mental stability. I’m divulging what he said at your insistence.”

Mouth contrite, she mutters, “Continue.”

“Eugene created an angel out of your mum. So, he gave her almost all night to change her mind. She didn’t. She stayed true to Charles. I’ve shared this information with him. Now, you must know, Little One, she was alive until sometime the next day before you came.”

Luxury’s eyes bite shut. She staves off intense emotion with a deep breath.

"Charles could have saved her. It was truly an unfortunate . . .” I pause. No words will lessen the blow.

“I’m ready.” Her tone has curved into unmerciful, collected malice. “Let’s get out, Vic.”

I’m gritting my teeth at the commotion at the door while quickly assessing Luxury.

Luxury claimed that Madeline was all hers to avenge.But is my fiancée truly ready?

As my gander scrapes over Luxury for further assurance that she’s all right, my lady drops a placating hand onto my forearm. “Whatever you do, from this moment on, do not be angry with your mother.”

I’m worried about you, and you bring upthatwoman.“Who?” I growl.

“Vic, we both agreed that pending Mary’s involvement, you’ll handle her. Still, in the meantime, Proverbs 25:21 to 22 is how you’ll proceed.”

“I’ve no idea what you’re speaking of.”

She laughs softly, some semblance of her usual self. “Get out, Vicky.”

“No, Vicky,” I growl, folding her in my protective embrace. My heavy gaze weighs on Luxury for a long moment, drinking in her form, adoring my Little One, before I cup her face in my hand. I press my lips against hers, lingering in the kiss.

“I can’t read your mind, chit. The second you’re done,we’re donewith the whole lot of them. I’ve seen the look of devastation on your face. I’ll not allow it any longer. Have I made myself clear?”