“I hate you, Vi . . .” The words collapse into an endless gorge as I glimpse Ahmad standing in the shadows of my room. The way he hurried away this morning—I had no faith he’d come. The glimmer in his eyes implies he’s been watching me for a while. He’s pleased by my statement.

Of course.

He hates Victor too.

Ahmad steps toward me. A panther to its prey. Each move he makes sends a garment falling until nothing is left but his taut, tanned body. His jagged muscles, which I’m sure have tempted scores of women, are on full display, along with battle wounds that surely have been the subject of manyafter sexconversations. My throat burns at the sight of his erection.

Ahmad climbs onto the bed. With a pleasing smile, I beckon him beneath the sheets. Tears stain my cheeks. I tighten my eyelids quickly and then kiss him like . . . Vic.

Living is my only goal as my tongue glides with his thick, minty one. I inhale his clean fragrance and realize that all of Ahmad’s rigid muscles have eased.It’s go time, Luxxie.With my focus divided between moaning, French kissing, and playing up the moment by tugging my hand in my hair, Ahmad catches me off guard when he leans up. He slides my legs around his waist, and at that precise second, I grab the steak knife from under my pillow. The tip of the blade points at Ahmad’s chest.

The sudden laughter erupting from Ahmad’s abdominals dashes the seriousness of his situation. He leans forward, allowing the blade to prick his chest. “Your intentions,” Ahmad says while snatching the knife away, “although good, should’ve cost you your life, Luxury.”

I gasp at the hot prickling pain where he squeezes my wrist. My oxygen is depleted as the cold blade of the knife now slides up and down my neck. Ahmad continues, “Alas, I have no idea how to explain what brought us to this predicament. Do you?”

I glare at Ahmad as he tosses the cool blade onto the floor. Still mounting me, Ahmad speaks with a lightly teasing baritone. “Most of the sheikh’s wives came willingly. Yet here you are, hiding dinner knives. Shame on the staff, right?”

“Get off.” I speak through gritted teeth.

“No.” He smiles, grabbing my hips and grinding against the apex of my sex. “I rather like this position. You tempted me, Luxury. Do you have a death wish?”

“I don’t want to die.”

He stops massaging my thigh. The area is left ablaze as he gives my flesh a punishing thwack. Ahmad rolls off me and sits on the edge of the bed. Even his back muscles are intimidating.

“Yes! You do want todieif you intend to run away,” he retorts. “You surveyed the land during transport. You saw the staff. Every inch of the palace reports to Al Rafi, even your ladies. That’s why I came at thisungodlyhour. Luxury, use your brain.”

He flicks a heated look over his shoulder. “Do you really want to be free? Freedom can come two ways. By my help or death. Do you prefer the latter?”

I launch onto my knees and scramble over the bed to sit beside him. “I’m begging you to help me.”

A fragment of a smile appears on Ahmad’s lips. “Simmer down, sweet girl. I admire your tenacity. I’m sure you are aware that these bare hands,” he says, holding them up, “can murder you just like that.”

Because of his affable demeanor, I quickly retort, “I’m not afraid of you. Victor will—”

The flash of hatred in his eyes forces my silence.Too friggen far, Lux.

He wags a finger. “That will be the reason you die, Luxury. Mention that vile name again. You will be forced to live out the rest of your days under the sheikh’s reign or die trying to escape without my assistance. I don’t know which is a worse fate.”

Head hung, I murmur, “Sorry.”

“Apology accepted. Now, what you have to do is simple. You have to make the sheikh happy.”


“Listen, please.” He holds up a hand in a friendly gesture.

“Go ahead, speak. But I’ll never submit to thatrapist.”

“You misunderstand, Luxury. Just for a short while, you must please Al Rafi. The sheikh will desire your attention.”

Bile scrabbles up my throat. “I can’t stomach the sight of him, nor his bitch.”

“Princess Wasim,” he interjects.

“She seemed to think I enjoyed Al Rafi’s company. If I actually submit to that bastard, Wasim’s bound to retaliate. Your suggestion presents too many obstacles.” I pant in exasperation. Even if I can’t trust Ahmad, I will not die here. The baby in my womb must live, or we die together.

At my despondency, Ahmad softens. “Al Rafi’s hotel has one of the largest casinos in the Middle East. The sheikh will allow you to accompany him, adorn his arm like one of his jewels. Then—”