Page 5 of A Medium Fate

I squeezed his arm. “Grandma would love that. But I don’t think it’s in your blood.”

He laughed and wiped at his eyes, “You’re probably right there. I like my suits and shiny shoes too much.”

The others gathered at the table chuckled quietly, but even I could feel the edge. Grandma’s will hadn’t discussed the bank accounts yet. Aunt Franny, who was quietly watching Nic and I, had been the only other person mentioned yet. The rest were all still expecting a windfall.

Mr. Dean returned to his seat. “There’s just a little more. And to my granddaughter, Eddie Cayce, I leave the rest of my estate. Any accounts or coins or monetary amounts not otherwise bequeathed are to go to my dear Eddie. I hope you find that home can be a place of support and independence at the same time. Live your wildest dream, my dear.”

Mr. Dean closed the folder.

“That’s it?” Uncle Arthur demanded. “Just those three get all of her estate?”

Mr. Dean nodded. “There were a few gifts to charity that happened as soon as I was notified of her death per her request. She left fifty thousand to the animal shelter and the same amount to a local private school, New Orleans Academy, but the rest has been divided between the three blood decedents.”

I thought he’d probably made that clarification for the other lawyers in the room. He walked over and handed me a folder. I looked up at him. “What’s this?”

“That’s a listing of the accounts and amounts of your inheritance. Before you leave, I’ll have you sign the paperwork to switch over the bank accounts to your name. It will be with the bank your family has used, but of course, as soon as the process is complete, you can switch money over to whatever bank you want.” Mr. Dean went and sat in his chair. He took a beignet from the platter in front of him and took a bite. Then he brushed the powdered sugar from his jacket. “I should have taken this off first. I always make a mess with these. Did anyone have any questions?”

“How much was the inheritance to Eddie?” Uncle Orrin asked Mr. Dean. He was staring at me like I’d taken his favorite toy or something.

“That is privileged information and I’m not allowed to divulge it. Ms. Cayce can or she can choose not to answer either.”

Now everyone was staring at me. I closed the listing that I’d only glanced at before. It was a few million from what I could tell, but some was in stocks, some in bonds. I would need some time to dig through what Grandma Andrews had left me to see what I actually had. But I knew one thing. It wasn’t anyone’s business but mine. “I haven’t had time to review the listing yet.”

“But about how much was it?” Aunt Gloria pressed me for an answer. “You can see the balances and add up numbers. You graduated from college for gosh sakes.”

Now, they were insulting me. I hated being back home. I shut the folder and stared right at her. “I don’t feel the need to tell you.”

The room went quiet and then everyone, including the lawyers started talking at once. Nic squeezed my arm as a show of solidarity. Finally, Mr. Dean stood and banged what looked like a gavel on the table. The sound stopped the questions. “Sorry, I’m afraid our time here is up. There’s another meeting in the conference room in five minutes. Mr. Ardronic and Ms. Cayce, please follow me to my office so we can get this paperwork filed.”

“We will be asking a judge to put a hold on probate until the will is verified.” Uncle Arthur’s attorney stood.

“I’ve already talked to Judge Olden. He’s waiting for your call. We expected a challenge, but I assure you, the will is valid.” Mr. Dean nodded to his assistants. “Please give the attorneys a copy of the judge’s contact information.”

Mr. Dean stepped in between Nic and I and shepherded us out of the room. When we were in the hallway, he murmured, “Well, that went better than I’d expected.”

I turned back and looked at the group of relatives huddled around their respective attorneys. “You were expecting that reaction? What’s wrong with them? I can’t believe they’re even thinking about challenging the will.”

“Your grandmother amassed a lot of money and probably certain assumptions were made over the years. Don’t worry, the will is valid, the judge is aware of the special circumstances, and any challenges will be snuffed out quickly. Probate will be finished in a week or so.” He opened a door. “This is my office. I’ll set up the paperwork. It won’t take much time, but it will be enough for my staff to get your relatives out of the building and the parking lot before you leave. I’ve installed security at the house as well, just in case.”

“You think they’d just go in and take something?” Now I was worried.

Nic shook his head. “That’s not going to happen. I think Grandma was afraid that they’d try to influence us to renounce our inheritance. That’s one of the reasons I wanted you to stay at the compound instead of in town. I can assign a bodyguard for you there too. Besides, there’s one more thing we need to talk about.”

“I’ve got the papers on my desk along with more coffee or other drinks. If you want something else, just ask Carrie. I’ll be here when you’re ready.” Mr. Dean held open the interior doors to his office. “I believe everything you need is set up. Your grandmother had very detailed notes.”

Nic put his arm around me and led me to the office, shutting the door behind us. “Now, don’t go crazy on me, but Grandma left you another inheritance.”

“I don’t understand.” I turned back and looked at the closed door. “If there’s something else, shouldn’t the lawyer be giving it to me?”

Nic led me to a seat and nodded for me to take it. After I sat down, I prodded him for an answer. “Seriously, you’re scaring me.”

He sat across from me and took a paint brush and dipped it into a jar he’d just opened. Then he took my left hand and used the brush to draw a symbol on my hand. The smell hit me before I could react. Blood.

The energy flowed through me as I stared at the glowing symbol. Grandma Andrews had left me her gifts. As one of two female descendants, the power would have gone to me or to Aunt Franny. I’d hoped my aunt had mended her issues with Grandma before her death, but based on the symbol on my hand, that hadn’t happened. After the initial rush of power, I let my gaze drift upward toward Nic. “I didn’t want this.”

“I don’t think you had a choice. She’d left you the power. This,” he waved at the blood and the symbol, is just the physical transfer. This way, you are in control. If we hadn’t done this, the power would have chosen when and where to show up. You know the rules. It’s passed after the owner is buried. And to the female descendent of that person’s choosing. The only way you could have said no was to die. Honestly, I’m not ready to lose my only sibling over an inability to accept her powers.”

“She should have given it to Aunt Franny.” Tears threatened to fall, but I turned my head and stood, taking the vial of blood to the small bathroom next to the office. I had never been in this office before, but I’d known where the door to the bathroom was. Because my grandmother had been here. I knew what she’d known. Which meant I knew why she hadn’t given it to Aunt Franny. After I’d dumped the blood and washed out the vial, I came back into the office. I looked at my brother for confirmation of the answer that had just been provided to me. “Aunt Franny used a love spell on her last husband? Are you kidding me?”