Page 18 of A Medium Fate

“I checked the attic and Bubba volunteered to do the basement. No missing items in either.” Nic opened the door for the movers. “We deserve lunch for this.”

I checked items off the list as each time the movers left the house to take something to the truck. They handed me the stickers on their way out. “And that’s the last one that’s here. The movers will be at the shop in thirty minutes or so. I need to be there to let them in. The joy of owning your own business.”

“I run a business and I get to eat lunch,” Nic commented. He held up his hand to stop my next remark. “I’ll send Trenton to get us food after he drops us off at the shop. We’ll probably have to eat after the movers finish. Do you have room in the loading area for all this?”

“This and more. Bubba and I moved around things yesterday to make sure it was cleared.” I tucked my lists into my tote. “I’m not sure what I’m going to do without your help, Bubba. Maybe I need to actually hire some employees.”

Nic held the door open for me and we stepped from the cool air-conditioned house into the muggy heat. And it was still technically morning. I missed my Seattle weather. Just not the job or the ex-boyfriend.

“Are you sure you can’t keep on any of Matty’s crew? Hiring is hard right now. I hate you to have to hire an all new staff.” Nic waited for Bubba to step onto the porch and then locked the door. He pocketed the key.

“I can’t afford to pay them what Matty was paying and stay afloat. So unless they want to work for a standard wage, I won’t be bringing them back. And, with all this stock missing? I’m a little skeptical that some of it isn’t in their homes. If Matty did it, maybe it was a common practice.” I smiled as Trenton opened the back door of the limo. “Thanks, Trenton. You must have been bored out here. We should have brought you in on our scavenger hunt.”

He shook his head. “Your brother asked me to watch the woman and the other car. When she left, I read. I always carry a book, just in case. I enjoy thrillers.”

I climbed in the car and as I waited for the other two to get inside, I dialed Detective Charles. I guess I was more of a mystery type. At least in real life. “Hey, thanks for picking up. I have a question.”

“With as big of a butt as I felt yesterday about blaming that homeless guy for the break in, I thought I should answer so you could dress me down for my assumptions.”

“I think your beat cop led you down that path. It’s okay, I get it. But that’s not why I’m calling. Did you run the ex-Mrs. Goldstein’s alibi? Any way that she’s our killer? Matty just came into a lot of money, maybe she needed an influx into her personal accounts?” I saw Bubba grin at me. I ignored him.

“She was our first and best suspect. The only problem was she was out of town the night Matty was killed. At a spa getting a weight loss treatment. At least that’s how they described it to me when I called to verify. They had a private nurse with her all night since the treatment can be a little intense on the digestive system. If you get what I’m saying.”

I shuddered. I definitely didn’t want to lose a few pounds at that cost. “Okay, but she could have hired someone. Set herself up for an alibi.”

“True. And that’s why she’s not off the list, I’m just not seeing any paper trail or money exchanging hands. I still need the employee records. Can you get those to me today? Or do I need to stop by the shop. I know you’re busy getting ready to open.”

“I’m just leaving Matty’s house and I’ll be in the shop in, twenty…” I looked at Trenton to confirm and he waved his hand back and forth, indicated around twenty. “Make that thirty minutes. I’ve got to work with the movers but then I can email it to you or you can come get it.”

“Email it to me to the address on my card. I’m a little swamped in paperwork today.”

I dug into my tote to check and came up with the card. “I’m sorry I’ve taken so long. I’ll get this to you as soon as I get back and into my office.”

“No worries. I should have used it as an excuse to come see you today, but like I said, I’m swamped with follow ups on Matty’s murder.”

I wasn’t sure how to respond to that. Or what it meant. I took a breath and assumed he was just being friendly. “I’m sure I’ll see you soon, anyway. Thanks.”

After I hung up and put my phone away, I realized both Nic and Bubba were staring at me. “Oh, he says that the ex-wife has an alibi, but she’s still on the list. He needs the employee list as soon as possible, so don’t let me forget to send that when I get back.”

Nic smiled and leaned back. “He seems chummy with you. Are you sure there isn’t something else going on?”

I felt my brow furrow. My mom had always yelled at me to stop letting my emotions show on my face.It’s going to freeze that way or worse, cause lines making you look older.I think it was just my normal reaction to Nic’s teasing. “He’s investigating Matty’s murder. That’s all.”

Nic laughed. “If you say so.”

I watched as Bubba turned his head and looked out the window. What had I said wrong now?


When we got to the shop, Kirk was out front, pacing. His face lit up when he saw me.

“Matty hasn’t come to pay me yet. Can you call him?” He held out his dirty hands. I didn’t think he even noticed the action.

“Oh, Kirk, I’m so sorry. I’ll pay you today for Matty. I had somewhere else to be this morning and I forgot. How much was Matty paying you for security?”

Nic cleared his throat but I shook my head, hoping he wouldn’t interrupt. Kirk was skittish, especially after last night’s incident.

“Fifty dollars a week. Four ten-dollar bills, ten one-dollar bills. Not too much so I’d be attacked, but I can pay my locker rent and still have money to buy food.” He kept his hands out.