Page 19 of Nicolo DeLuca

“Excuse me, but I don’t drink coffee. You know this, but you insist on making it anyway.”

“Hush your mouth. I am making this for me. I know I taught you better than this. Always offer your company something to drink.”

“I would have if you gave me a chance. Instead, you barge in here and make it yourself.”

She turned to me with her hands on her hips. This was a move they must pull women aside and show them how to do when they become mothers. My mom had the move perfected.

“Don’t talk back to me. I am still your mama, no matter how grown you think you are.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

It was too early to fight with this woman, so I just sat down at the kitchen bar. The next thing I knew, she was opening my refrigerator and rooting around looking for what, I didn’t know.

“Mama, what are you looking for?”

“Something to cook for breakfast.”

“Didn’t you eat before you came over here?”

“Is it so wrong that I want to have breakfast with my only child?”

“Yes,” I mumbled to myself, praying she didn’t hear me.

I needed to get rid of her. There was no way Nicolo would sleep through breakfast food cooking. Before I could protest, she was frying bacon, scrambling eggs, and buttering toast. As she was plating the food, the bedroom door opened to a very naked Nicolo. He looked delicious standing there with his hair a mess and his body all perfect. His cock was hanging thick in front of him, and my eyes drifted to it. I licked my lips at the sight, forgetting about my mom in the kitchen.

“Damn, Brazen, something smells good. What you got cooking in here?”

I was frozen in my seat, unable to warn him about the storm brewing in the kitchen. Then I heard her breath catch in her throat. I peeked up through my hands to see my mother was staring at Nicolo’s large appendage like she was as thirsty as I was. What the fuck?

“Nicolo, cover yourself! My mom is here!”

I had never seen a man fuller of himself than at that moment. After making eye contact with my mama, he smirked, turned, and strutted back into the bedroom, his naked ass on display. There wasn’t a morsel of shame in him. He knew his body was a work of art, and he wore it well. Apparently, Mama thought so too because she was leaning over, trying to watch him walk away. When he returned to the room, he was wearing his jeans and a t-shirt from last night. The man was just as fine in clothes as he was out.

“Good morning, Mrs. Baldwin.”

I sat waiting for all hell to break loose, but my mom said nothing. Was the old bird really speechless? Nicolo was neither shy nor speechless as he walked over to me and planted a chaste kiss on my lips before taking a seat next to me. Still, there was silence from Mrs. Michelle Baldwin. Standing, I made my way into the kitchen and wiped the drool from my mom’s chin. Trying to play it off, I called to Nicolo over my shoulder.

“Let me fix you a plate, babe. You need to eat before heading off to work.”

I snagged the plate that was on the counter and added the eggs, bacon, and toast that my mom made for me. After pouring a cup of coffee, I added cream and sugar before carrying them over and placing them in front of my man. I brushed a kiss on his cheek as I handed him the silverware. He smiled and then smacked me on the ass as I turned to walk away.

“Thank you, baby. It looks delicious.”

“Mama, you never did tell me why you came by so early. You know I have to go to work in a bit.”

“I brought your wedding dress by for a fitting. I didn’t know you would have company.”

“Maybe if you would have called first, I could have warned you. It doesn’t matter now, let’s see the dress.”

That perked her up. She forgot all about the shock of seeing my naked man and started in about that blasted wedding.

“Child, you know it is bad luck for your groom to see your dress before the wedding.”

“No, I didn’t know that.”

“I swear, Simone, it’s like you don’t even care about this wedding. We only have a few days before we have to board a plane to Italy, and you’re not even concerned.”

I was just about to engage in an argument with my mom, when Nicolo stood, grabbing my attention. He grabbed his soiled dishes and brought them in the kitchen where we were standing. After placing the dishes in the sink, he came over to me and wrapped me in a hug.