Page 5 of Nicolo DeLuca


I was sitting at my bay window drinking my morning tea when there was an unexpected knock at the front door. I was about to get up to answer the door when Sheree called out to me. She had been staying with me while she was in between jobs. It had been three months, and we were still getting along, so there was no rush for her to leave. Except when she got in my business, like now.

“Monie, you have a delivery!”

Shocked, I got up and rushed into the living room where Sheree was opening the card that came with the elegant black gift bag with the signature that could only be Giuseppe Zanotti’s. What in the actual hell? I quickly moved to snatch the card from my nosey cousin’s grasp, but it was too late. She was reading my message.

“What the hell does ‘Excuse Me’ mean?”

Immediately, I knew it was from that sexy Italian who ran into me at brunch yesterday. A big old country smile crossed my face, as I realized how thoughtful the gift really was. I tore into the giftbag to find a replacement for the shoes he had ruined, along with a $500 gift card for the boutique where I purchased them. Who does that? The man was positively maddening. Picking up my phone, I pressed his contact information and waited for the line to connect, with Sheree screaming about going on a shopping spree, looking like Halle Berry in B.A.P.S.

Once I properly thanked The Italian for my gifts, he promptly demanded that I be ready to go somewhere with him tonight at eight. He was sending a driver for me. I didn’t even think to question how he had gotten my address or shoe size. Hell, I liked a resourceful man. If he turned out to be a stalker, he was in for a rude awakening. My dad had trained me from the time I could walk on the art of self-defense. He didn’t want this smoke. Since he had done his homework on me, I decided to return the favor.

“Sheree, bitch, I will cut you if you don’t bring me that gift card. Talking about a damn shopping spree. In that shop, you might be able to buy a dress.”

“One dress? You really are the bougie princess everybody says you are.”

“And I care because? Forget all that, I need you to work your magic and help me find out this man’s name.”

“Girl, you don’t know his name?”

“Nope. He never said. If you haven’t noticed, he is a man of few words.”

“Red Flag!!! Usually, two of those few words are first and last name. I’m just saying.”

“Naw, the way we met was sexy as hell. That man had me panting after him when he walked away. He’s smooth. I didn’t tell him my name either, but he found me.”

“Red flag number two! Stalker much?”

“Shut the fuck up. You wouldn’t know romantic if it kicked you in the balls.”

“That’s good because I don’t have balls!”

We fell against each other laughing. Sheree always kept me on my toes. I loved the girl more than life. We’ve been tied at the hip since crib days. Our mothers were sisters-in-law and besties, and we followed suit. I would do anything for this chick.

“Whatever. Just help me figure out who he is.”

“Why don’t you start at the store? They have to have his credit card info. Just tell them you want to know who to thank.”

“That sounds simple, but places like that are notorious for being very private when it comes to their clientele.”

“Girl. How do you think he got your info? That store spilled the tea. If they start with that privacy shit, just threaten them. They told some strange man who you are and gave him your address. You could sue them if he actually is crazy. I bet you they will give you his blood type after that.”

“And that is why I love you! A mind of a serial killer.”

“It’s kept you alive all these years.”

“Let’s get ready to go shopping, so I can get a new dress for tonight. While we’re there, I am going to push the owner to give me his name.”


At eight o’clock on the dot, my doorbell rang. When I opened it, a short, bald man stood there in a uniform, smiling up at me. He reminded me of a miniature Lurch from the Addams Family, which gave me pause. Did I really want to go anywhere with this dude? I was already getting dangerous vibes from the Italian. The small man smiled at me, and it lit his face up so brilliantly that I gave in, and decided he wasn’t as harmful as he looked.

“Good evening, Miss Baldwin. My name is Ralph, and I will be your driver tonight.”

“Hi, Ralph. I’m ready, just let me grab my bag.”

“Very good, Miss.”