Page 35 of Nicolo DeLuca

Bonus Epilogue


No one took me seriously. They labeled me, Johnny Lip, after some lame ass character in a movie, as if I had no feelings. Since we were children, I had been the DeLuca’s whipping boy. Do this, Johnny Lip. Do that, Johnny Lip. All without any appreciation. Those assholes had everything handed to them on a platter just because their grandfather was the don. Well, someone managed to take his ass out, and I was happy about it. It hurt them and that’s what I lived for.

When Enzo took over as don and sent me to America to work under his cousin, Nicolo, I was pissed. Nobody wanted to live in the United States with the fake gangsters. No Italian worth his salt would be associated with American Italians. They were watered down versions of the real thing, as far as I was concerned. Being stuck in that country town made my skin crawl. I felt stifled. When was someone going to see my value? It certainly wasn’t going to be that asshole, Nicolo.

He thought he was better than everyone since he had gone to a prestigious law school and made tons of money for the Family. Well, if I had the money to go to college, I would be able to do that too. It didn’t matter how great a school he went to. Nicolo didn’t have the great ideas that I did. Because I wasn’t a DeLuca, my concepts went unheard.

My plan to take that fucker down was just about ready to roll out when everything changed abruptly. All I did was mock the bastard about being forced to marry a fat mulignan bitch. I knew I shouldn’t have said anything, but I couldn’t help myself. It gave me great joy to know he would be stuck with that fat black, chick for the rest of his life. As soon as I said it, I knew it was a mistake. The man’s face paled and then went bright red. He was always a surly bastard, but as soon as it registered what I had said, he turned lethal.

Before I could retract my comment, Nicolo cold cocked me, catching me off guard. I had never seen him so angry. That’s when I realized, he really cared for the woman. My brain started thinking of ways to use this information against him, but first I had to find a way to get him to stop punching me. When it was all said and done, I walked away with a broken jaw. The doctors had to wire my mouth shut.

Not only was I in pain, but I was humiliated in front of the entire crew. I was going to get that bastard back if it was the last thing I did. To add insult to injury, Enzo ordered me to return to Italy to face his wrath. I was demoted and sent to the worst area of the country to work for an indefinite period. My entire life changed in that moment. No longer did I have access to the lavish lifestyle of a capo and his crew. I was relegated to surviving on what scraps were doled out to me. I went from being a VIP in clubs, weekend yacht trips, and being able to buy anything I wanted, to worrying about where my next liquid meal was coming from.

It wasn’t fair. I attempted to reach out to Nicolo to see if he would smooth things over with Enzo, but my calls went unanswered. Eventually, he blocked my number. I couldn’t afford another phone, so it was, what it was.

I laughed when I heard his woman had been kidnapped by the Saldonos. They gave Enzo some lame ass excuse that the players involved went rouge. I knew for a fact that the don made that order. With all the players involved now shark bate, there was no one to dispute his tale. That’s when I started to develop a new plan to make Nicolo and the rest of the DeLucas regret ruining my life.

All I had to do was stalk that bitch wife of his. They made that easy by coming to Italy so frequently. I was going to hurt her in the worst way. After discovering that she was going to have his heir, I decided to kill two birds with one stone. If I was in a movie, this is where you would hear my diabolical laugh. Yeah, that’s right. I was going to kill Simone DeLuca and that seed she was carrying. The best part of my plan was I got to blame everything on the Saldonos. It was brilliant if I had to say so myself.

I stood on the cliff watching as the pregnant fatty frolicked in the ocean. She was so freaking happy. Soon, her little happy dance would turn into horrendous screams of terror. No one would see it coming until it was too late. Not Nicolo. Not his stupid guards. Not even Enzo. They would rue the day they messed with Tino DeMartis.