Page 13 of Nicolo DeLuca

“I don’t think I could work with my husband. That’s just too much, working and living together. No way,” Sheree interjected.

“Good thing he’s not going to be your husband then, isn’t it?” I replied, having met my limit of Sheree’s meddling.

The smirk on Nicolo’s face caused my ire to wane. I could tell he was a bit offput by her words too. Nobody had asked her for her opinion. It just wasn’t her place to comment. Knowing that the Italian wouldn’t say anything, I decided to let her know. Just as she was about to voice another unsolicited opinion, my mom came over and interrupted.

“How is everyone getting along?”

“Fine,” both Sheree and I said at the same time. Nicolo remained silent.

“I see. Well, Sheree, let me borrow you for a second. These lovebirds are supposed to be getting to know each other. They can’t very well do that with you in the middle, giving out advice that is neither welcomed nor accurate.”

Mama tugged at Sheree’s arm, indicating that she should get up. My cousin tucked her head and reluctantly stood. She followed my mom to a table on the other side of the room, looking back at us with regret. Nicolo and I both sighed with relief that we were alone again.

“So future, Mrs. DeLuca, what are your plans for tomorrow? If you’re free around lunch time, I would love for you to come over to the office and let me show you around. After the tour, your fiancé will take you out for lunch.”

“Sounds good, but I’m trying to see what you’re doing tonight. It’s kind of tradition for a couple to spend the night together on the night of their engagement.”

“Oh yeah? And what would your father think about that?”

“Mr. Ethan Baldwin would be beside himself. The man still thinks I’m a virgin.”

Nicolo spit out the bourbon he had just sipped. Laughing, I wiped his face with a napkin as he shook his head.

“Your pops has no idea the brazen little vixen he has raised. I can’t wait to get another taste tonight, tomorrow, and the next night.”

“Damn, baby, slow down. I offered one night, not three.”

“Who do you think you’re fooling? We both know once I get a hold of you tonight, you’ll be coming back for more again and again.”

“Right? Okay, so I have to leave here with my parents, but I will go home, change, and meet you at your place. Is that cool?”

“I’ll be waiting.”